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Effect of Psycho-Regulatory Massage Therapy on Pain and Depression in Women with Chronic and/or Somatoform Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Brain Sciences ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-12 , DOI: 10.3390/brainsci10100721
Sabine B-E Baumgart 1 , Anja Baumbach-Kraft 2 , Juergen Lorenz 3

Chronic unspecific back pain (cBP) is often associated with depressive symptoms, negative body perception, and abnormal interoception. Given the general failure of surgery in cBP, treatment guidelines focus on conservative therapies. Neurophysiological evidence indicates that C-tactile fibers associated with the oxytonergic system can be activated by slow superficial stroking of the skin in the back, shoulder, neck, and dorsal limb areas. We hypothesize that, through recruitment of C-tactile fibers, psycho-regulatory massage therapy (PRMT) can reduce pain in patients with cBP. In our study, 66 patients were randomized to PRMT or CMT (classical massage therapy) over a 12-week period and tested by questionnaires regarding pain (HSAL= Hamburger Schmerz Adjektiv Liste; Hamburg Pain adjective list), depression (BDI-II = Beck depression inventory), and disability (ODI = Oswestry Disability Index). In all outcome measures, patients receiving PRMT improved significantly more than did those receiving CMT. The mean values of the HSAL sensory subscale decreased by −51.5% in the PRMT group compared to −6.7% in the CMT group. Depressive symptoms were reduced by −55.69% (PRMT) and −3.1% (CMT), respectively. The results suggest that the superiority of PRMT over CMT may rely on its ability to activate the C-tactile fibers of superficial skin layers, recruiting the oxytonergic system.



慢性非特异性背痛 (cBP) 通常与抑郁症状、消极的身体知觉和异常的内感受有关。鉴于 cBP 手术普遍失败,治疗指南侧重于保守治疗。神经生理学证据表明,通过缓慢地浅层抚摸背部、肩部、颈部和四肢背侧区域的皮肤,可以激活与氧化应激系统相关的 C-触觉纤维。我们假设,通过募集 C-触觉纤维,心理调节按摩疗法 (PRMT) 可以减轻 cBP 患者的疼痛。在我们的研究中,66 名患者在 12 周内被随机分配接受 PRMT 或 CMT(经典按摩疗法),并通过有关疼痛(HSAL=汉堡施默茨形容词列表;汉堡疼痛形容词列表)、抑郁症(BDI-II=贝克)的问卷进行测试抑郁量表)和残疾(ODI = Oswestry 残疾指数)。在所有结果指标中,接受 PRMT 的患者比接受 CMT 的患者改善显着。 PRMT 组的 HSAL 感觉分量表平均值下降了 -51.5%,而 CMT 组的平均值下降了 -6.7%。抑郁症状分别减少了-55.69% (PRMT) 和-3.1% (CMT)。结果表明,PRMT 相对于 CMT 的优越性可能依赖于其激活浅层皮肤层 C 触觉纤维、招募氧化应激系统的能力。