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Geologic characterization of nonconformities using outcrop and core analogs: hydrologic implications for injection-induced seismicity
Solid Earth ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-12 , DOI: 10.5194/se-11-1803-2020
Elizabeth S. Petrie , Kelly K. Bradbury , Laura Cuccio , Kayla Smith , James P. Evans , John P. Ortiz , Kellie Kerner , Mark Person , Peter Mozley

The occurrence of induced earthquakes in crystalline rocks kilometers from deep wastewater injection wells poses questions about the influence nonconformity contacts have on the downward and lateral transmission of pore-fluid pressure and poroelastic stresses. We hypothesize that structural and mineralogical heterogeneities at the sedimentary–crystalline rock nonconformity control the degree to which fluids, fluid pressure, and associated poroelastic stresses are transmitted over long distances across and along the nonconformity boundary. We examined the spatial distribution of physical and chemical heterogeneities in outcrops and core samples of the Great Unconformity in the midcontinent of the United States, capturing a range of tectonic settings and rock properties that we use to characterize the degree of past fluid communication and the potential for future communication. We identify three end-member nonconformity types that represent a range of properties that will influence direct fluid pressure transmission and poroelastic responses far from the injection site. These nonconformity types vary depending on whether the contact is sharp and minimally altered (Type 0), dominated by phyllosilicates (Type I), or secondary non-phyllosilicate mineralization (Type II). Our observations provide geologic constraints for modeling fluid migration and the associated pressure communication and poroelastic effects at large-scale disposal projects by providing relevant subsurface properties and much needed data regarding common alteration minerals that may interact readily with brines or reactive fluids.


