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Impact of headland area on whole field and farm corn silage and grain yield
Agronomy Journal ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-11 , DOI: 10.1002/agj2.20489
S. Sunoj 1 , Dilip Kharel 1 , Tulsi Kharel 1 , Jason Cho 1 , Karl J. Czymmek 1, 2 , Quirine M. Ketterings 1

Use of agricultural equipment on corn (Zea mays L.) fields can contribute to soil compaction, especially on headland (HL) areas where wheel traffic is more intense than on non‐headland (NHL) areas. Better decisions about HL management (investment to improve production potential, discontinue, or plant another crop) can be made when the HL contribution to field and farm yield is known. We quantified yield differences between HL and NHL areas, at field‐, and at farm‐scale using corn grain and silage yield data from 4,145 fields (∼20,000 ha) across 63 farms in New York. Further, we quantified the yield impact of HL areas across years from four farms with 8–11 yr of yield records. Per field and farm “potential production gain” was determined as the potential gain in production if HL yield could be increased to equal NHL yield. Yields per hectare were 14% (grain) and 16% (silage) lower in the HL areas. Production gain per field averaged 4% for both grain and silage, reflecting the smaller proportion of HL per field. For about 70% of the fields potential production gain was <5%, vs. 5–20% potential production gain for about 25% of the fields. Small, low‐yielding fields had the highest potential production gain (>20%). Production gains across years ranged from 1 to 7% (grain) and 0.4 to 6% (silage), independent of growing season precipitation. We conclude potential production gains are sufficiently large to warrant headland management, but management should be directed to fields with the greatest potential for yield increase.



在玉米上使用农业设备(玉米)L.)田地可促进土壤压实,特别是在轮流比非岬角(NHL)区域密集的岬角(HL)地区。当了解到HL对田间和农场产量的贡献时,可以对HL管理做出更好的决策(投资以提高生产潜力,停产或种植另一种作物)。我们使用纽约63个农场的4,145个田地(〜20,000公顷)的玉米籽粒和青贮饲料产量数据,对HL和NHL区域在田间和农场规模之间的产量差异进行了量化。此外,我们量化了具有8-11年单产记录的四个农场多年以来高产区对单产的影响。如果可以将HL产量提高到等于NHL产量,则将每个田间和农场的“潜在产量增加”确定为生产中的潜在收益。高产区每公顷的产量降低了14%(谷物),降低了16%(青贮)。谷物和青贮饲料的每田平均增产4%,反映出每田的HL比例较小。在大约70%的油田中,潜在的生产收益低于5%,而在大约25%的油田中,潜在的5-20%的生产收益。小型,低产田潜在产量最高(> 20%)。多年的产量增幅介于1%至7%(谷物)和0.4%至6%(青贮)之间,与生长季节的降水无关。我们得出的结论是,潜在的生产收益足够大,需要进行岬角管理,但管理应针对增产潜力最大的领域。在大约70%的油田中,潜在的生产收益低于5%,而在大约25%的油田中,潜在的5-20%的生产收益。小型,低产田潜在产量最高(> 20%)。多年的产量增幅介于1%至7%(谷物)和0.4%至6%(青贮)之间,与生长季节的降水无关。我们得出的结论是,潜在的生产收益足够大,需要进行岬角管理,但管理应针对增产潜力最大的领域。在大约70%的油田中,潜在的生产收益低于5%,而在大约25%的油田中,潜在的5-20%的生产收益。小型,低产田潜在产量最高(> 20%)。多年的产量增幅介于1%至7%(谷物)和0.4%至6%(青贮)之间,与生长季节的降水无关。我们得出的结论是,潜在的生产收益足够大,需要进行岬角管理,但管理应针对增产潜力最大的领域。