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Teaching during a pandemic: Using high‐impact writing assignments to balance rigor, engagement, flexibility, and workload
Ecology and Evolution ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-12 , DOI: 10.1002/ece3.6776
Julie A Reynolds 1, 2 , Victor Cai 1 , Julia Choi 1 , Sarah Faller 1 , Meghan Hu 1 , Arthi Kozhumam 1 , Jonathan Schwartzman 1 , Ananya Vohra 1

The COVID‐19 pandemic has created new challenges for instructors who seek high‐impact educational practices that can be facilitated online without creating excessive burdens with technology, grading, or enforcement of honor codes. These practices must also account for the possibility that some students may need to join courses asynchronously and have limited or unreliable connectivity. Of the American Association of Colleges and University's list of 11 high‐impact educational practices, writing‐intensive courses may be the easiest for science faculty to adopt during these difficult times. Not only can writing assignments promote conceptual learning, they can also deepen student engagement with the subject matter and with each other. Furthermore, writing assignments can be incredibly flexible in terms of how they are implemented online and can be designed to reduce the possibility of cheating and plagiarism. To accelerate the adoption of writing pedagogies, we summarize evidence‐based characteristics of effective writing assignments and offer a sample writing assignment from an introductory ecology course. We then suggest five strategies to help instructors manage their workload. Although the details of the sample assignment may be particular to our course, this framework is general enough to be adapted to most science courses, including those taught in‐person, those taught online, and those that must be able to switch quickly between the two.



COVID-19 大流行给寻求高影响力教育实践的教师带来了新的挑战,这些实践可以在线进行,而又不会在技术、评分或荣誉准则的执行方面造成过多负担。这些做法还必须考虑到某些学生可能需要异步加入课程并且连接有限或不可靠的可能性。在美国高等院校协会列出的 11 种高影响力教育实践中,写作密集型课程可能是理科教师在当前困难时期最容易采用的课程。写作作业不仅可以促进概念学习,还可以加深学生对主题以及彼此之间的参与。此外,写作作业在网上实施的方式上可以非常灵活,并且可以设计成减少作弊和抄袭的可能性。为了加速写作教学法的采用,我们总结了有效写作作业的循证特征,并提供了生态学入门课程中的写作作业样本。然后,我们提出了五种策略来帮助教师管理他们的工作量。尽管示例作业的细节可能特定于我们的课程,但该框架足够通用,可以适应大多数科学课程,包括面对面授课的课程、在线授课的课程以及必须能够在两者之间快速切换的课程。