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The Synergism Between DHODH Inhibitors and Dipyridamole Leads to Metabolic Lethality in Acute Myeloid Leukemia
bioRxiv - Cancer Biology Pub Date : 2020-10-13 , DOI: 10.1101/2020.10.10.334631
Valentina Gaidano , Mohammad Houshmand , Nicoletta Vitale , Giovanna Carrà , Alessandro Morotti , Valerio Tenace , Stefania Rapelli , Stefano Sainas , Agnese Chiara Pippione , Marta Giorgis , Donatella Boschi , Marco Lucio Lolli , Alessandro Cignetti , Giuseppe Saglio , Paola Circosta

Background: Dihydroorotate Dehydrogenase (DHODH) is a key enzyme of the de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis, whose inhibition was recently found to induce differentiation and apoptosis in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). DHODH inhibitors were previously investigated in solid tumors, where they showed promising antiproliferative activity, both in vitro and in vivo. However, their effectiveness was not confirmed in clinical trials, probably due to the pyrimidine salvage pathway that cancer cells could exploit to survive. In this study we investigated the pro-apoptotic activity of MEDS433, the DHODH inhibitor developed by our group, against AML. Learning from previous failures, we challenged our model mimicking in vivo conditions, and looked for synergic combination to boost apoptosis. Methods: We evaluated the apoptotic rate of multiple AML cell lines and AML primary cells treated with MEDS433 or other DHODH inhibitors, alone and in combination with classical antileukemic drugs or with dipyridamole, a blocker of the pyrimidine salvage pathway. Experiments were also performed mimicking in vivo conditions, i.e., in the presence of physiological uridine plasma levels (5 μM). Results: MEDS433 showed a strong apoptotic effect against multiple AML cell lines, which was at least partially independent from the differentiation process. Its combination with classical antileukemic agents resulted in a further increase of the apoptotic rate. However, when MEDS433 was tested in the presence of 5 μM uridine and/or in primary AML cells, results were less impressive. On the contrary, the combination of MEDS433 with dipyridamole resulted in an outstanding synergistic effect, with a dramatic increase of the apoptotic rate both in AML cell lines and AML primary cells, which was unaffected by physiological uridine concentrations. Preliminary analyses show that the toxicity of this treatment should be limited to proliferating cells. Conclusions: The combination of a DHODH inhibitor and dipyridamole is characterized by differentiating and pro-apoptotic features and induces metabolic lethality on a wide variety of AMLs with different genetic backgrounds.


