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Transcriptional landscape of PTEN loss in primary prostate cancer
bioRxiv - Cancer Biology Pub Date : 2020-10-09 , DOI: 10.1101/2020.10.08.332049
Eddie Luidy Imada , Diego Fernando Sanchez , Wikum Dinalankara , Thiago Vidotto , Ericka M Ebot , Svitlana Tyekucheva , Gloria Regina Franco , Lorelei Mucci , Massimo Loda , Edward M Schaeffer , Tamara Lotan , Luigi Marchionni

PTEN is the most frequently lost tumor suppressor in primary prostate cancer (PCa) and its loss is associated with aggressive disease. However, the transcriptional changes associated with PTEN loss in PCa have not been described in detail. Here, we applied a meta-analysis approach, leveraging two large PCa cohorts with experimentally validated PTEN and ERG status, to derive a transcriptomic signature of PTEN loss, while also accounting for potential confounders due to ERG rearrangements. Strikingly, the signature indicates a strong activation of both innate and adaptive immune systems upon PTEN loss, as well as an expected activation of cell-cycle genes. Moreover, we made use of our recently developed FC-R2 expression atlas to expand this signature to include many non-coding RNAs recently annotated by the FANTOM consortium. With this resource, we analyzed the TCGA-PRAD cohort, creating a comprehensive transcriptomic landscape of PTEN loss in PCa that comprises both the coding and an extensive non-coding counterpart.


