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Proposal for an Environmentally Sustainable Beneficiation Route for the Amphibolitic Itabirite from the Quadrilátero Ferrífero-Brazil
Minerals ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-10 , DOI: 10.3390/min10100897
Gizele Maria Campos Gonçalves , Rosa Malena Fernandes Lima

The high world demand for iron ores opposed to the rapid exhaustion of high-grade deposits from the main producing regions around the world has motivated the search and/or improvement of beneficiation routes, which enable the economic use of iron formations previously considered marginal ores, which have the potential to considerably increase mineable reserves due to their large volume. In this study, a sample of amphibolitic itabirite from the eastern region of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Minas Gerais, Brazil was characterized, aiming at its use in the industrial pelletizing circuit. The main physical characteristics of this ore are moisture = 10% and specific weight = 3710 kg/m3. The ore has a high grade of loss on ignition—LOI (6.7%) and P (0.14%). Through X-ray diffractometry (XRD), optical microscopy and scanning electron microscope—SEM, the ore was found to consist of 64.5% goethite (amphibolitic, alveolar, massive and earthy); 6.8% hematite (martitic, granular and lamellar) and 0.9% magnetite. The main gangue mineral is quartz (25.5%). Based on the results of concentration tests (magnetic and flotation) performed with the studied sample, the magnetic concentration route of deslimed sample followed by the addition of slimes in magnetic concentrate can be incorporated into the pelletizing process.



世界上对铁矿石的需求旺盛,与世界主要生产地区快速消耗高品位矿床形成鲜明对比,这促使人们寻找和/或改进选矿路线,从而可以经济地使用先前被认为是边际矿石的铁矿,由于数量庞大,它们有可能大大增加可采储量。在这项研究中,对巴西米纳斯吉拉斯州QuadriláteroFerrífero东部地区的两性辉石岩样品进行了表征,旨在将其用于工业造粒电路中。该矿石的主要物理特征是水分= 10%,比重= 3710 kg / m 3。矿石的烧失量很高-LOI(6.7%)和P(0.14%)。通过X射线衍射法(XRD),光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜(SEM),发现该矿石由64.5%针铁矿(两闪,齿槽,块状和土状)组成。6.8%的赤铁矿(马氏体,粒状和层状)和0.9%的磁铁矿。主要的石矿物是石英(25.5%)。根据对研究样品进行的浓缩测试(磁性和浮选)结果,可以将脱泥后样品的磁性浓缩途径,然后在磁精矿中添加煤泥。