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A compendium of ecological knowledge for restoration of freshwater fishes in Australia
Marine and Freshwater Research ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1071/mf20127
John D. Koehn , Scott M. Raymond , Ivor Stuart , Charles R. Todd , Stephen R. Balcombe , Brenton P. Zampatti , Heleena Bamford , Brett A. Ingram , Christopher M. Bice , Kate Burndred , Gavin Butler , Lee Baumgartner , Pam Clunie , Iain Ellis , Jamin P. Forbes , Michael Hutchison , Wayne M. Koster , Mark Lintermans , Jarod P. Lyon , Martin Mallen-Cooper , Matthew McLellan , Luke Pearce , Jordi Ryall , Clayton Sharpe , Daniel J. Stoessel , Jason D. Thiem , Zeb Tonkin , Anthony Townsend , Qifeng Ye

Many freshwater fishes are imperilled globally, and there is a need for easily accessible, contemporary ecological knowledge to guide management. This compendium contains knowledge collated from over 600 publications and 27 expert workshops to support the restoration of 9 priority native freshwater fish species, representative of the range of life-history strategies and values in south-eastern Australia’s Murray–Darling Basin. To help prioritise future research investment and restoration actions, ecological knowledge and threats were assessed for each species and life stage. There is considerable new knowledge (80% of publications used were from the past 20 years), but this varied among species and life stages, with most known about adults, then egg, juvenile and larval stages (in that order). The biggest knowledge gaps concerned early life stage requirements, survival, recruitment, growth rates, condition and movements. Key threats include reduced longitudinal and lateral connectivity, altered flows, loss of refugia, reductions in both flowing (lotic) and slackwater riverine habitats, degradation of wetland habitats, alien species interactions and loss of aquatic vegetation. Examples and case studies illustrating the application of this knowledge to underpin effective restoration management are provided. This extensive ecological evidence base for multiple species is presented in a tabular format to assist a range of readers.



许多淡水鱼类在全球范围内受到威胁,因此需要易于获取的当代生态知识来指导管理。该纲要包含从 600 多种出版物和 27 个专家研讨会中整理的知识,以支持 9 种优先本地淡水鱼类物种的恢复,这些鱼类代表了澳大利亚东南部墨累-达令盆地的一系列生活史策略和价值。为了帮助优先考虑未来的研究投资和恢复行动,对每个物种和生命阶段的生态知识和威胁进行了评估。有相当多的新知识(使用的出版物中有 80% 来自过去 20 年),但这在物种和生命阶段之间有所不同,最了解的是成虫,然后是卵、幼虫和幼虫阶段(按此顺序)。最大的知识差距涉及生命早期阶段的要求、生存、招募、增长率、状况和运动。主要威胁包括纵向和横向连通性降低、流量改变、避难所丧失、流动(河道)和滞水河流栖息地减少、湿地栖息地退化、外来物种相互作用和水生植被丧失。提供了示例和案例研究,说明如何应用这些知识来支持有效的恢复管理。这种针对多种物种的广泛生态证据基础以表格形式呈现,以帮助广大读者。流动(河道)和缓水河流栖息地的减少、湿地栖息地的退化、外来物种的相互作用和水生植被的丧失。提供了示例和案例研究,说明如何应用这些知识来支持有效的恢复管理。这种针对多种物种的广泛生态证据基础以表格形式呈现,以帮助广大读者。流动(河道)和缓水河流栖息地的减少、湿地栖息地的退化、外来物种的相互作用和水生植被的丧失。提供了示例和案例研究,说明如何应用这些知识来支持有效的恢复管理。这种针对多种物种的广泛生态证据基础以表格形式呈现,以帮助广大读者。