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Machine learning from wristband sensor data for wearable, noninvasive seizure forecasting
Epilepsia ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-11 , DOI: 10.1111/epi.16719
Christian Meisel 1, 2, 3 , Rima El Atrache 3 , Michele Jackson 3 , Sarah Schubach 3 , Claire Ufongene 3 , Tobias Loddenkemper 3

Seizure forecasting may provide patients with timely warnings to adapt their daily activities and help clinicians deliver more objective, personalized treatments. Although recent work has convincingly demonstrated that seizure risk assessment is in principle possible, these early approaches relied largely on complex, often invasive setups including intracranial electrocorticography, implanted devices, and multichannel electroencephalography, and required patient‐specific adaptation or learning to perform optimally, all of which limit translation to broad clinical application. To facilitate broader adaptation of seizure forecasting in clinical practice, noninvasive, easily applicable techniques that reliably assess seizure risk without much prior tuning are crucial. Wristbands that continuously record physiological parameters, including electrodermal activity, body temperature, blood volume pulse, and actigraphy, may afford monitoring of autonomous nervous system function and movement relevant for such a task, hence minimizing potential complications associated with invasive monitoring and avoiding stigma associated with bulky external monitoring devices on the head.


