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Noted with InterestThe Solitary Bees. Biology, Evolution, Conservation. Danford, B. N., Minckley, R.L. and J. L. Neff. 2019. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, U.S.A. 488 pp. US$45.00 (hardcover). ISBN 978‐0‐691‐16898‐2.
Conservation Biology ( IF 5.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-11 , DOI: 10.1111/cobi.13645

There are many books and articles on honeybees and nearly as many on other social bees, such as bumblebees, and these species or groups are familiar to most people. The solitary bees, however, are much less generally known. Most people believe that all bees are social, although over 90 % of the known species are solitary. The Solitary Bees is an excellent book that gives an up‐to‐date overview of this amazing group of insects. It presents the newest knowledge on modern phylogeny and evolution, as well as on the biology and life cycle (including mating, nest architecture, foraging, and provisioning behavior) of solitary wild bees. Great strengths of the book include the chapters on the beneficial and harmful cohabitants, which provide descriptions of mutualists, parasites, and predators of these bees. Good overviews of the important role of solitary bees in agricultural pollination and of their conservation status are also included. The huge amount of cited literature is impressive and could be very useful for all readers. This book is an important and essential source of information for students, lecturers, and researchers, and even for other curious people interested in the wonderful world of pollinators, especially wild bees.

Effects of Climate Change on Birds. Dunn, P. O., and A. P. Møller, editors. 2019. 2nd edition. Oxford University Press, Oxford, U.K. 277 pp. £37.99 (paperback). ISBN 978‐0‐19‐882427‐5.

This second edition of a highly successful volume synthesizes knowledge on the signals from birds of climate change, which is a fast‐developing field of ornithology. Although only 9 years after the first edition, the amount of new information presented is immense in terms of ecology, evolution, and conservation. The volume is professionally designed, replete with highly informative figures, text boxes, graphs, and tables adequately supporting each chapter, some of which are applicable for meta‐analyses. The volume is divided into 4 sections. The first section addresses the climatic processes underlying the effects of climate on birds. The second section is on methods and summarizes the availability of long‐term climatic and bird databases and potential climatic predictors and introduces ecological niche modeling and population‐level effects of climatic processes. The third section provides deep insight into the individual‐ and population‐level consequences of climate change through an investigation of climatic signals in migratory birds and carry‐over effects, breeding dynamics, and physiological processes, and their evolutionary consequences. Modeling techniques that integrate circulation and population models and climate‐driven changes in distribution are also introduced. The last section of the volume analyses interspecific effects of current climatic trends, synthesizing current knowledge on climatic effects on ecological interactions such as host‐parasite and predator‐prey interactions and composition of bird communities and food web structure. The section also provides a summary of conservation implications and mitigation roadmaps. Several sections emphasize the lack of knowledge on climatic effects on birds in the Southern Hemisphere and the need to develop combined approaches to climate and population modeling. Importantly, the book calls attention to the complexity of climatic effects on the ecology, physiology, evolution, and conservation of birds, pointing to a huge gap in spatial and modeling knowledge. Generally, the authors’ reviews are very well written, and the book will be a useful and enjoyable read to every ecologist, evolutionary biologist, ornithologist, conservationist, and those interested in climate‐change ecology.

Coasts in Crisis. Griggs, G. 2017. University of California Press, Oakland, CA, U.S.A. 360 pp. US$ 29.95 (paperback). ISBN 978‐0‐520‐29362‐5.

Almost half the planet's population now lives in the broadly defined coastal zone, many in megacities of over 10 million people. Extensively exploited and altered by humans, coasts are now at great risk from a variety of threats. Sea‐level rise as a consequence of climate change is perhaps the biggest threat humanity has ever faced. This book is a concise overview of current (2017, but still highly relevant) knowledge of these threats, and is a valuable reference for anyone concerned about the well‐being of coastal zones, particularly the next generation of planners and politicians. The book has 3 main parts. The first 2 cover human settlement of the coastal zone and natural processes and hazards. The third and largest section outlines human impacts including marine pollution, plastic waste, extraction of petroleum, groundwater and sand, dams, coastal power plants, renewable energy, desalination, fishing and aquaculture, invasive species, coral reefs, climate change, and ocean acidification. The illustrative examples are mostly from the United States, but other parts of the world are also referenced. The large amount of data in the book is essential to illustrate the magnitude of impacts. At the end of each chapter is a “where do we go from here” section that outlines possible solutions. These sections offer the recurring message that humanity needs to take urgent action to mitigate the effects of climate change, particularly by ending the burning of fossil fuels. Very minor, but niggling, problems were the lack of metric unit conversions and use of algae (plural) where it should be alga (singular).

The Curious Life of Krill. Nicol, S. 2018. Island Press, Washington, D.C, U.S.A. 194 pp. US$ 30.00 (hardcover). ISBN 978‐1‐61091‐853‐4.

Even before you open this book you know it is going to be a gem. The dust cover's beautiful image invites you in: a transparent, shrimp‐like creature, with spots of bright red, green, and amber, and big black eyes, against the velvety blue‐black background of the dark seas it inhabits. Its author, Stephen Nicol, is a life‐long krill scientist, who spends months aboard research vessels, in the lab, and in stuffy meetings rooms, but also has an MS in creative writing, so this book entertains as much as informs. Nicol is the ideal krill champion, giving us facts and history interwoven with anecdotes, personal experiences, and insights into the lives of these fascinating creatures. Over 8 chapters, he tells all he knows about Antarctic krill, covering their natural history and habitats, ways biologists have caught and studied them, and their vital importance in the Antarctic food chain. He describes the krill fisheries and how fears over krill exploitation and attempts to manage fisheries led to wide‐ranging environmental treaties in the Antarctic. The importance of krill as food for the great whales is well known, but who knew krill can live as long as 10 years, can shrink when food is scarce, and autodigest when dead? This is a wonderful example of how books that aim to engage general readers in scientific topics can succeed. Having read it once, I immediately wanted to read it again so that everything sinks in. There are very few textbooks that have that effect.

The Carbon Code: How You Can Become a Climate Change Hero. Favaro, B. 2017. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, U.S.A. x + 220 pp. US$22.95 (hardcover). ISBN 978‐2‐412‐42‐253‐4.

If you accept that climate change is real, but don't know exactly what can you do to combat it, this is the book for you. The author, a conservation biologist, shares his personal experience in reducing his carbon footprint, convincingly presenting alternatives to the ordinary, unsustainable ways we produce and consume energy. This book shows how everybody can have a positive impact just by adopting new habits. For instance, merely by reducing meat consumption, which is a healthy and economical option, we can have a significant positive impact on the environment. The book is structured in 3 parts. After a clear and concise introduction on the causes of climate change and its consequences for human beings, the author presents the 4 major sources of greenhouse gas emissions: the way electricity is generated, transportation, human diet, and traveling by airplane. At the end of the book, he discusses what we can do to influence the sources of greenhouse gases emission that do not depend directly on our actions. This book is not a comprehensive overview of all existing technological options to produce green energy, it does not dig into the psychological aspects behind climate change denial, and it is not a textbook about climate change. Yet, it is an empowering book that should be read by everyone because it provides tools that we can all use to make a difference. Feeling powerless is never a justification, and we ought to modify our behavior now.


有趣地注意到孤独的蜜蜂。生物学,进化,保护。Danford,BN,Minckley,RL和JL Neff。2019.普林斯顿大学出版社,美国新泽西州普林斯顿488页,45.00美元(精装)。ISBN 978-0-691-16898-2。


气候变化对鸟类的影响。PO的Dunn和APMøller的编辑。2019.第二版 牛津大学出版社,牛津,英国277页,37.99英镑(平装)。ISBN 978-0-0-19-882427-5。


危机中的海岸。格里格斯,G.,2017年。加利福尼亚大学出版社,奥克兰,加利福尼亚,美国360页。29.95美元(平装)。ISBN 978-0-520-29362-5。

现在,全球近一半的人口生活在广阔的沿海地区,其中许多人口超过1000万人。海岸被人类广泛开发和改造,现在正面临各种威胁的巨大风险。气候变化导致的海平面上升也许是人类有史以来最大的威胁。本书简要概述了当前(2017年,但仍具有高度相关性)关于这些威胁的知识,并且对于任何关注沿海地区福祉的人,特别是下一代计划者和政治人物,都是宝贵的参考。本书分为三个主要部分。前2个涵盖了沿海地区的人类住区以及自然过程和危害。第三和最大的部分概述了对人类的影响,包括海洋污染,塑料垃圾,石油,地下水和沙子的开采,水坝,沿海发电厂,可再生能源,海水淡化,渔业和水产养殖,入侵物种,珊瑚礁,气候变化和海洋酸化。说明性示例主要来自美国,但也引用了世界其他地区。本书中的大量数据对于说明影响的大小至关重要。每章末尾都有一个“我们从这里去哪里”部分,概述了可能的解决方案。这些部分反复发出这样的信息,即人类需要采取紧急行动来减轻气候变化的影响,特别是通过终止化石燃料的燃烧。很小但很麻烦的问题是缺乏公制单位转换和使用 和海洋酸化。说明性示例主要来自美国,但也引用了世界其他地区。本书中的大量数据对于说明影响的大小至关重要。每章末尾都有一个“我们从这里去哪里”部分,概述了可能的解决方案。这些部分反复发出这样的信息,即人类需要采取紧急行动以减轻气候变化的影响,特别是通过终止化石燃料的燃烧。很小但很麻烦的问题是缺乏公制单位转换和使用 和海洋酸化。说明性示例主要来自美国,但也引用了世界其他地区。本书中的大量数据对于说明影响的大小至关重要。每章末尾都有一个“我们从这里去哪里”部分,概述了可能的解决方案。这些部分反复发出这样的信息,即人类需要采取紧急行动以减轻气候变化的影响,特别是通过终止化石燃料的燃烧。很小但很麻烦的问题是缺乏公制单位转换和使用 每章末尾都有一个“我们从这里去哪里”部分,概述了可能的解决方案。这些部分反复发出这样的信息,即人类需要采取紧急行动以减轻气候变化的影响,特别是通过终止化石燃料的燃烧。很小但很麻烦的问题是缺乏公制单位转换和使用 每章末尾都有一个“我们从这里去哪里”部分,概述了可能的解决方案。这些部分反复发出这样的信息,即人类需要采取紧急行动来减轻气候变化的影响,特别是通过终止化石燃料的燃烧。很小但很麻烦的问题是缺乏公制单位转换和使用藻类(复数)应为藻类(单数)。

磷虾的好奇生活。Nicol,S.2018。《岛出版社》,华盛顿特区,美国194页,30.00美元(精装)。ISBN 978-1-61091-853-4。

甚至在您打开这本书之前,您就知道它将成为一颗宝石。防尘罩的美丽影像邀请您进入:一种透明的,似虾的生物,在它所居住的深海中,天鹅绒般的蓝黑色背景上有亮红色,绿色和琥珀色的斑点,还有黑色的大眼睛。它的作者斯蒂芬·尼科尔(Stephen Nicol)是一位终身的磷虾科学家,他在研究船,实验室和闷热的会议室中度过了数月的时间,但在创作方面也拥有硕士学位,因此,这本书不仅具有娱乐性,而且寓教于乐。Nicol是理想的磷虾冠军,将事实和历史与轶事,个人经历和对这些迷人生物生活的见解交织在一起,为我们提供了信息。在8章中,他讲述了自己对南极磷虾的全部了解,涵盖了南极磷虾的自然历史和栖息地,生物学家捕获和研究它们的方式,及其在南极食物链中的至关重要的作用。他描述了磷虾渔业,以及对磷虾开采的恐惧和对渔业的管理尝试如何导致了南极广泛的环境条约。磷虾作为大鲸鱼的食物的重要性是众所周知的,但是谁知道磷虾可以生存长达10年,在食物匮乏时可以收缩,而在死亡时可以自动消化?这是一个很好的例子,说明了旨在吸引普通读者参与科学主题的书籍如何取得成功。阅读了一次之后,我立即想再次阅读它,以使所有内容都沉入其中。很少有教科书能够起到这种作用。磷虾作为大鲸鱼的食物的重要性是众所周知的,但是谁知道磷虾可以生存长达10年,在食物匮乏时会收缩,而在死亡时会自动消化?这是一个很好的例子,说明了旨在吸引普通读者参与科学主题的书籍如何取得成功。阅读了一次之后,我立即想再次阅读它,以使所有内容都沉入其中。很少有教科书能够起到这种作用。磷虾作为大鲸鱼的食物的重要性是众所周知的,但是谁知道磷虾可以生存长达10年,在食物匮乏时可以收缩,而在死亡时可以自动消化?这是一个很好的例子,说明了旨在吸引普通读者参与科学主题的书籍如何取得成功。阅读了一次之后,我立即想再次阅读它,以使所有内容都沉入其中。很少有教科书能够起到这种作用。

碳代码:您如何成为气候变化英雄。Favaro,B.2017年。约翰·霍普金斯大学出版社,马里兰州巴尔的摩,美国x + 220 pp.22.95美元(精装)。书号ISBN 978-2-412-42-253-4。

