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Bivalent AS04-adjuvanted HPV vaccine provides optimal cancer prevention for HPV types not included in the vaccine
Vaccine ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2020.09.015
Walter E.P. Beyer , Albert D.M.E. Osterhaus

All available HPV vaccines contain oncogenic types 16 and 18, most often found in HPV-related cancers and precursor lesions, but they differ in their valence and adjuvant potency. The quadri- and nonavalent HPV vaccines both contain additional types 6 and 11, related to anogenital warts, while the nonavalent vaccine contains another five types that are less frequently found in cancers. The bivalent vaccine is adjuvanted by AS04. Phase-III randomised controlled trials and population-based studies on bi- and quadrivalent vaccines suggest that the two vaccines when administered to HPV-naive persons, are optimally effective in preventing cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia grade 3 or greater, caused by types 16 or 18 (specific protection). In addition, the bivalent vaccine, but not the quadrivalent vaccine, cross-protects against HPV types not contained in the vaccine. The advantage of the quadrivalent vaccine to provide additional protection against anogenital warts, should not be traded for a lower overall efficacy in preventing pre-cancerous lesions and eventually cancer.



所有可用的HPV疫苗均含有致癌类型16和18,最常见于HPV相关的癌症和前体病变,但它们的价数和佐剂效力不同。四价和非价HPV疫苗均包含与生殖器疣相关的其他类型6和11,而非价疫苗则包含另外五种在癌症中不常见的类型。该二价疫苗被AS04佐剂。对二价和四价疫苗进行的III期随机对照试验和基于人群的研究表明,将这两种疫苗施用于未感染HPV的人时,对于预防由16型或16型引起的宫颈上皮内瘤变3级或更高效果最佳。 18(特定保护)。另外,二价疫苗,而不是四价疫苗,对疫苗中没有的HPV类型具有交叉保护作用。四价疫苗的优点是可以提供针对肛门生殖器疣的额外保护,但不应以降低预防癌前病变和最终癌症的总体功效为代价。
