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Mapping the Persistence and Evolution of the Quincunx
Nexus Network Journal ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-08 , DOI: 10.1007/s00004-020-00527-8
Fabio Colonnese

The quincunx is a pattern that passes through different ages and cultures of Western world. It spread in the Byzantine era; it flourishes during the Renaissance, either in combination or as an alternative to the Vitruvian proportioning criteria; it suffers from a process of mathematization in the eighteenth century; it arrives at the twentieth century in the form of the so-called “nine-square grid problem” and is further re-evaluated in its historical prospective at the end of the century, in the Post-modern context. This article provides a mapping of its diffusion and inquires its development and evolution through the centuries.



梅花是一种穿越西方世界不同时代和文化的图案。它传播于拜占庭时代;它在文艺复兴时期蓬勃发展,无论是结合使用还是作为维特鲁威比例标准的替代品;它遭受了十八世纪的数学化过程;它以所谓的“九方格网问题”的形式出现在 20 世纪,并在本世纪末的后现代语境中进一步重新评估其历史前景。本文提供了其传播的地图,并探究了其几个世纪以来的发展和演变。