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Ecophysiological and biochemical events associated with the challenge of Verticillium dahliae to eggplant
European Journal of Plant Pathology ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-09 , DOI: 10.1007/s10658-020-02122-6
C. Pisuttu , E. Pellegrini , L. Cotrozzi , C. Nali , G. Lorenzini

Verticillium dahliae (Kleb.) is a soil-borne pathogen able to cause yield losses in eggplant, Solanum melongena L., one of the most important vegetable crops in the Mediterranean basin. In this study, an experiment was conducted to assess physiological and biochemical mechanisms modulating the interactions between S. melongena cv. Violetta di Rimini and V. dahliae strain VdGL16 in leaves at different age (mature, intermediate and young; ML, IL and YL) up to 25 days post artificial root inoculation (dpi). At 8 dpi, infected ML showed a marked reduction of photosynthetic rate (4-fold lower than controls) associated with stomatal (reduced stomatal conductance) and mesophyll (concomitant increase of intercellular CO2 concentration) limitations. Cell membrane integrity was compromised, and phylloptosis/death occurred. At 8 and 18 dpi, stomatal closure (−40 and − 53%, respectively) and biochemical alterations occurred in IL. At 18 dpi, the consumption of secondary metabolites suggested that antioxidant- and antimicrobial-defence responses were activated. However, photoinhibition, oxidative stress and water deficit were observed at the end of the experiment. These mechanisms were observed also in YL, as confirmed by the strong increase of tannins (+46%) followed by accumulation of other phenylpropanoids. Despite plant growth being maintained, reduction of leaf area and water deficit occurred. This study highlights the capacity of eggplant to activate dynamic biochemical mechanisms in response to fungal infection, even in susceptible genotypes, a starting point for comparisons with resistant material for selection.



黄萎病菌Verticillium dahliae)(Kleb。)是一种土壤传播的病原体,能够导致茄子茄子(Solanum melongena L.)减产,茄子是地中海盆地最重要的蔬菜作物之一。在这项研究中,进行了一项实验,以评估生理和生化机制,以调节S. melongena cv之间的相互作用。人工根接种(dpi)后长达25天,不同年龄(成熟,中间和年轻; ML,IL和YL)叶片中的Violetta di Rimini和V. dahliae菌株VdGL16。在8 dpi时,感染的ML与气孔(气孔导度降低)和叶肉(细胞间CO 2伴随增加)相关的光合速率显着降低(比对照低4倍)浓度)限制。细胞膜完整性受到损害,并发生了花斑病/死亡。IL在8和18 dpi时发生气孔关闭(分别为−40和− 53%)和生化改变。在18 dpi时,次生代谢产物的消耗表明抗氧化剂和抗菌素的防御反应被激活。然而,在实验结束时观察到了光抑制,氧化应激和水分缺乏。在单宁中也观察到了这些机制,单宁猛增(+ 46%)并随后积聚了其他苯丙烷类化合物证实了这一点。尽管植物生长得以维持,但叶面积减少和缺水发生。这项研究强调了茄子即使在易感基因型中,也能够响应真菌感染而激活动态生化机制,
