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Post-merger chirps from binary black holes as probes of the final black-hole horizon
Communications Physics ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-08 , DOI: 10.1038/s42005-020-00446-7
Juan Calderon Bustillo , Christopher Evans , James A. Clark , Grace Kim , Pablo Laguna , Deirdre Shoemaker

The merger of a binary black hole gives birth to a highly distorted final black hole. The gravitational radiation emitted as this black hole relaxes presents us with the unique opportunity to probe extreme gravity and its connection with the dynamics of the black hole horizon. Using numerical relativity simulations, we demonstrate a connection between a concrete observable feature in the gravitational waves and geometrical features on the dynamical apparent horizon of the final black hole. Specifically, we show how the line-of-sight passage of a “cusp”-like defect on the horizon of the final black hole correlates with “chirp”-like frequency peaks in the post-merger gravitational-waves. These post-merger chirps should be observed and analyzed as the sensitivity of LIGO and Virgo increase and as future generation detectors, such as LISA and the Einstein Telescope, become operational.



