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Prices in the Egyptian seafood market: insights for fisheries management and food security
Fisheries Research ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2020.105764
Mohamed Samy-Kamal

Abstract Reliable information on seafood prices is essential for managing fisheries resources in a sustainable way and therefore to secure seafood sustainability. Unlike other aquaculture producing countries, Egypt does not export its production, which led to a very high self-consumption rate. These characteristics of the Egyptian seafood market make Egypt an atypical country in the region. This paper is the first attempt to analyse seafood prices and their temporal variation (2013-2018) in the Egyptian seafood market, as well as the evolution (1997-2018) of consumption per capita, the national self-sufficiency ratio (SSR) of seafood, consumer price index (CPI) and inflation rate in seafood prices. A steady increase in the overall seafood average price was observed until 2017 when prices almost doubled due to the devaluation of the Egyptian pound, and tripled in 2018. During the year, prices do not vary between months; except for slight peaks in April, August, October, and November, being maximal in December. Variation in seafood average prices are highest on Thursday and Friday. The average consumption in 2018 was 22.98 kg of seafood products per capita, reaching the highest rate in the last two decades. The self-sufficiency ratio (SSR) reached its maximum in 2009 at 90.64%. Despite an almost doubling of production from 1,093 thousand tonnes in 2009 to 1,935 thousand tonnes in 2018 the SSR has decreased to 86.66%. This analysis suggests that the current trends of annual increase in seafood prices exacerbate vulnerability to food security.



摘要 海产品价格的可靠信息对于以可持续的方式管理渔业资源至关重要,从而确保海产品的可持续性。与其他水产养殖生产国不同,埃及不出口其产品,这导致自消费率非常高。埃及海鲜市场的这些特点使埃及成为该地区的一个非典型国家。本文首次尝试分析埃及海鲜市场的海鲜价格及其时间变化(2013-2018),以及人均消费量的演变(1997-2018),全国自给率(SSR)海产品、消费者价格指数(CPI)和海产品价格通胀率。直到 2017 年,由于埃及镑贬值,价格几乎翻了一番,海产品的整体平均价格稳步上涨,并在 2018 年翻了三倍。在这一年中,几个月之间的价格没有变化;4、8、10、11月出现小高峰,12月最大。海鲜平均价格的变化在周四和周五最高。2018年人均海产品消费量为22.98公斤,达到近二十年来的最高水平。自给率(SSR)在 2009 年达到最高点,达到 90.64%。尽管产量从 2009 年的 109.3 万吨增加到 2018 年的 193.5 万吨,但 SSR 下降到 86.66%。这一分析表明,目前海产品价格逐年上涨的趋势加剧了粮食安全的脆弱性。12 月最大。海鲜平均价格的变化在周四和周五最高。2018年人均海产品消费量为22.98公斤,达到近二十年来的最高水平。自给率(SSR)在 2009 年达到最高点,达到 90.64%。尽管产量从 2009 年的 109.3 万吨增加到 2018 年的 193.5 万吨,但 SSR 下降到 86.66%。这一分析表明,目前海产品价格逐年上涨的趋势加剧了粮食安全的脆弱性。12 月最大。海鲜平均价格的变化在周四和周五最高。2018年人均海产品消费量为22.98公斤,达到近二十年来的最高水平。自给率(SSR)在 2009 年达到最高点,达到 90.64%。尽管产量从 2009 年的 109.3 万吨增加到 2018 年的 193.5 万吨,但 SSR 下降到 86.66%。这一分析表明,目前海产品价格逐年上涨的趋势加剧了粮食安全的脆弱性。尽管产量从 2009 年的 109.3 万吨增加到 2018 年的 193.5 万吨,但 SSR 下降到 86.66%。这一分析表明,目前海产品价格逐年上涨的趋势加剧了粮食安全的脆弱性。尽管产量从 2009 年的 109.3 万吨增加到 2018 年的 193.5 万吨,但 SSR 下降到 86.66%。这一分析表明,目前海产品价格逐年上涨的趋势加剧了粮食安全的脆弱性。