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Sulfur Distribution in Gasification Products of Car Tires
Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-08 , DOI: 10.1134/s1990793120040156
V. M. Kislov , Yu. Yu. Tsvetkova , S. V. Glazov , M. V. Tsvetkov , E. N. Pilipenko , M. V. Salganskaya


The gasification of used tires in the filtration combustion mode is studied using calcium-containing additives, both chemically inert and those capable of absorbing sulfur. It is found that during the gasification of compositions with an inert additive, 28, 29, and 43% of the sulfur contained in the initial material passes into the ash, resin and gaseous products, respectively. The introduction of marble crumb as an additive increases the proportion of sulfur passing into ash by a factor of 1.5 and reduces the yield of pyrolysis resins in comparison with an inert additive. In this case, the distribution of sulfur between the solid, liquid, and gaseous products of gasification is 40, 26, and 34%, respectively.




