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Morphological characterization and histopathological alterations of homologs Heterophyid metacercarial coinfection in farmed mullets and experimental infected pigeons
Aquaculture International ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-04 , DOI: 10.1007/s10499-020-00602-4
Olfat A. Mahdy , Mahmoud A. Mahmoud , Mohamed Abdelsalam

In this study, samples of farmed thin-lipped mullets, Mugil capito from Lake Manzala and wild-caught grey mullet Mugil cephalus from Alexandria were found to be infected with heterophyid encysted metacercariae (EMC), and the overall prevalence rates were 80 and 100%, respectively. The number of metacercarial infection in tail tissue was significantly higher than that recovered from trunk and head among M. capito and M. cephalus. M. capito were simultaneously infected with two morphologically different EMC that ascribed to Heterophyes and Pygidiopsis species, while M. cephalus were infected with EMC of Heterophyes species. The experimental infection of domestic pigeons (Columba livia domestica) with the recovered encysted metacercariae confirmed the successful development of two types of Heterophyid flukes: identified as Heterophyes heterophyes and Pygidiopsis genata in the small intestine of pigeons. The histopathological examination revealed that Heterophyes cyst was small, elliptical with thick wall and predominating between cardiac muscle fibres and in the lumen of atrioventricular region of the heart. Pygidiopsis species cyst appeared larger in size, rounded with thin cyst wall and prominent internal structure. Pygidiopsis species were few in the abdominal fat and prominently encysted in the internal visceral organs including wall of the stomach, kidneys and muscular tissue away. They were also deeply encysted in testes and ovaries. Interestingly, the adult flukes were demonstrated in the intestinal lumen of the experimentally infected pigeons but with minor histopathological alterations. Our findings suggest that the heterophyids EMCs in mullets have genera-specific morphological characters and may induce histopathological changes in surrounding host-associated tissues.



在这项研究中,发现养殖的双唇鱼,曼萨拉湖的Mugil capito和亚历山大大帝的野生-鱼Mugil cephalus的样本感染了异性id虫meta虫病(EMC),总体患病率分别为80%和100% , 分别。尾组织中囊蚴感染的数量比从中间躯干和头部回收显著更高M.卡皮托M.法罗斯M.卡皮托同时感染两种形态不同EMC是归因于异形吸虫Pygidiopsis品种,而M.法罗斯被感染的EMC异形吸虫种类。用回收的有性meta虫对家鸽(Columba livia domestica)进行的实验性感染证实了两种类型的异吸虫的成功发展:在鸽子的小肠中被鉴定为Pygidiopsis genata。组织病理学检查显示,异养胞囊较小,椭圆形,壁厚,在心肌纤维之间和心脏房室腔中占优势。拟南芥种的囊肿大小较大,圆形,囊壁薄,内部结构突出。y虫腹部脂肪中的种类很少,而在内脏器官(包括胃壁,肾脏和肌肉组织)中则特别突出。他们还深深沉迷于睾丸和卵巢。有趣的是,在实验感染的鸽子的肠腔中显示了成年吸虫,但组织病理学改变较小。我们的研究结果表明,鱼中的异质类EMC具有属特定的形态特征,并可能诱导周围宿主相关组织的组织病理学变化。
