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A comparative study on the hatchability and survival rate of African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822), induced with catfish’s pituitary gland hormone from farmed and wild sources
Aquaculture International ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-25 , DOI: 10.1007/s10499-020-00591-4
Kwaku Amoah , Patricia Adu-Asiamah , Xiao-hui Dong , Akwasi Ampofo-Yeboah , Emmanuel D. Abarike

The present study was conducted to ascertain the effects of using farmed and wild Clarias gariepinus (CG) pituitary hormones on the fecundity, percentage hatchability, and survival rates after induced propagation, explicitly indicating the induction with high-quality seeds. Twelve gravid female and twelve matured male CG from farmed and wild sources (weight range of 711–841 g) were used for the study. The samples were put into four treatments, namely, F × F (farmed-female induced with farmed-male), F × W (farmed-female induced with wild-male), W × F (wild-female induced with farmed-male), and W × W (wild-female induced with wild-male). Females under each treatment were injected with 2-ml pituitary gland solution and stripped eggs fertilized with their respective male milt. Mean weight (28.6 ± 1.14–41.12 ± 1.87 g) and the total number (9266 ± 120.74–13,252 ± 240.92 eggs) of stripped eggs after 14-h latency period for treatment F × F was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than the F × W, W × F, and W × W groups. Correspondingly, the percentage hatchability was significantly high in treatment F × F, followed by treatment F × W, then W × F and W × W treatments; that is, 73.3%, 70%, 56.2, and 38.9% respectively. The percentage survival rate for treatments was observed after the 14th day of the study. Treatment F × F had the highest number of survived fries (6133 ± 89.33) followed by F × W (4250 ± 87.62), W × F (2745 ± 32.34), and then lastly the W × W (888 ± 12.25), with their percentage survival rate being 63.2%, 51.4%, 49.8%, and 24.7% respectively. In conclusion, treatment F × F should be used during the induced breeding of catfish (CG) due to the higher fecundity, hatchability, and survived fries observed.


养殖和野生来源的cat鱼垂体激素对非洲cat鱼(Clarias gariepinus,1822年)的孵化率和成活率的比较研究

本研究旨在确定使用养殖的和野生的非洲垂枝芥(CG)垂体激素对诱导繁殖后的繁殖力,孵化率和成活率的影响,明确表明采用优质种子诱导。本研究使用了十二种妊娠雌性和十二种成熟雄性CG,它们分别来自农场和野生来源(体重范围711–841 g)。样品被分为四个处理,即F♀  × F♂(由农耕雄性诱导的农-雌),F♀  × W♂(由野生雄性诱导的农-雌),W♀  × F♂(野生-诱导)。女性,由耕种的男性诱发),且W♀  × W♂(由野生雄性引起的野生雌性)。每次治疗的雌性均注射2 ml垂体腺液,并剥去卵,并用各自的雄性受精卵受精。平均重量(28.6±1.14-41.12±1.87克),除去卵后14小时的潜伏期总数(9266±120.74-13,252±240.92鸡蛋),用于处理F  ×F 是显著升高(P  <0.05)比F  ×宽,W  ×F ,和W  ×宽基团。相应地,在处理F♀  ×F hat之后,处理F♀的孵化率显着较高。 × W♂,然后是W♀  × F♂W♀  × W♂处理;即分别为73.3%,70%,56.2和38.9%。在研究的第14天后观察到治疗的存活率百分比。处理F♀  × F♂存活的薯条数量最多(6133±89.33),其次是F♀  × W♂(4250±87.62),W♀  × F♂(2745±32.34),最后是W♀  ×W (888±12.25),与他们的百分比存活率分别为63.2%,51.4%,49.8%,和24.7%。总之,处理F  ×F应在鲶鱼的诱变育种(CG)由于较高的繁殖力,孵化率被使用,并且观察到的存活薯条。
