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World population densities: convergence, stability, or divergence?
Mathematical Population Studies ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-07 , DOI: 10.1080/08898480.2020.1827854
Alessia Naccarato 1 , Federico Benassi 2


Taylor’s law states that the variance of population density in a given set of areas is a power function of its mean. When the exponent is equal to 2, the distribution of population densities between areas remains unchanged; when it is less than 2, the distribution converges toward the uniform distribution; when it is greater than 2, the densities become increasingly different from each other over time. The exponent takes the value 2 for East Asia, the Pacific, and South Asia. It takes a value greater than 2 for sub-Saharan Africa because the ongoing demographic transition and intense urbanization are redistributing the population over the territories. The exponent is lower than 2 for the other regions of the world, which have completed their demographic transition and where the rural exodus has been completed.




泰勒定律指出,给定区域中人口密度的方差是其均值的幂函数。当指数等于2时,区域间人口密度分布保持不变;当小于 2 时,分布趋于均匀分布;当它大于 2 时,密度随着时间的推移变得越来越不同。东亚、太平洋和南亚的指数取值为 2。对于撒哈拉以南非洲,它的值大于 2,因为持续的人口转变和强烈的城市化正在重新分配这些地区的人口。世界其他地区的指数低于 2,这些地区已经完成了人口转变和农村人口外流。
