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Early Miocene micropalaeontological record of the Aspiras Basin (Kastamonu), north‐west Anatolia, Turkey
Geological Journal ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-06 , DOI: 10.1002/gj.3960
Sariye Duygu Durak 1 , Mehmet Serkan Akkiraz 1 , Atike Nazik 2

This study presents the micropalaeontological data (palynomorphs and ostracods) including index taxa to assign a precise age, and the palaeoecological evolution of the Aspiras Basin, south‐east Kastamonu, northern Anatolia. The succession may informally be divided into a lower part including rich lignites interbedded with fine‐grained sediments and an upper part which comprises lignite‐free deposits such as mudrocks with dense gypsum and rare limestones. The sediments of the lower part were deposited in a wetland (i.e. peat‐forming environment) showing oscillations of the lake level, whereas the upper part indicates the shoaling or closing phase of the lake. Early Miocene age is assigned to the Aspiras Basin due to the presence of index taxa such as Leiotriletes maximus, Dicolpopollis kockelii, Intratriporopollenites instructus, Caryapollenites simplex, and ostracods Pseudocandona praecox and Potamocypris gracilis. Moreover, a new species of ostracod, Heterocypris aspirasensis, has been discovered. In the lowermost part of the succession, palynomorph spectra are dominated by spores such as Leiotriletes maxoides, L. maximus, and Verrutacosporites alienus while diverse pollen types, notably conifer pollen, attain high abundances further up in the succession. In the forested environment, the mixed mesophytic plants were less diverse. Low quantities of herbaceous taxa such as Ephedra sp., Poaceae, Amaranthaceae, Asteraceae‐Asteroideae, and Asteraceae‐Cichorioideae indicate the limited occurrence of open areas. During the Early Miocene, a warm and moist climate prevailed according to quantitative palaeoclimate data and the presence of the mega‐mesothermic taxa such as Taxodioideae, Mastixiaceae, Engelhardia, Sapotaceae, and Calamus.



这项研究提出了包括古生物分类学在内的微古生物学数据(古朴形貌和兽类类目),包括能够确定确切年龄的分类单元,以及安纳托利亚北部卡斯塔莫努东南阿斯帕拉斯盆地的古生态演化。演替过程可以非正式地分为下部,上部是富集褐煤,中间夹杂着细颗粒的沉积物;上部则包括无褐煤矿床,例如稠密石膏的泥岩和稀有的石灰石。下部的沉积物沉积在湿地(即形成泥炭的环境)中,表现出湖泊水平面的波动,而上部则表明湖泊处于浅滩或封闭期。中新世早期被归类阿斯帕里斯盆地,这是由于存在诸如Leiotriletes maximusDicolpopollis kockelii的索引类群Intratriporopollenites instructusCaryapollenites单纯,和介形虫Pseudocandona雷竹Potamocypris纤细。此外,还发现了一种新的类rac纲动物,即异丝藻。在演替过程的最下部,古孢子谱主要由孢子(例如大麦粉金龟最大乳杆菌异形疣)组成,而不同的花粉类型(尤其是针叶树花粉)则在演替中获得更高的丰度。在森林环境中,混合的中生植物种类较少。少量的草本类群,如麻黄sp。,禾本科,A菜科,菊科-小行星科和菊科-菊苣科表明开放区域的发生有限。在中新世早期,根据定量的古气候数据和巨型等温类群的存在,温暖湿润的气候发生了,例如紫杉科,乳香科,Engelhardia,Sapotaceae和Calamus