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Predicting the fine‐scale factors that correlate with multiple carnivore depredation of livestock in their enclosures
African Journal of Ecology ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-06 , DOI: 10.1111/aje.12789
Susan N. M. Chaka 1 , Bernard M. Kissui 2 , Steven Gray 1 , Robert A. Montgomery 1

We used multiple methods to examine livestock depredation by African lions (Panthera leo), spotted hyaenas (Crocuta crocuta), leopards (Panthera pardus) and black‐backed jackals (Canis mesomelas) in livestock enclosures across the Maasai steppe of Northern Tanzania. In this landscape, pastoralists keep cattle, goats, sheep and donkeys. All are vulnerable to depredation by carnivores. Various factors, such as boma characteristics, landscape attributes and attacks by multiple carnivores, were analysed to understand the best predictors of livestock loss at a boma. We found that livestock depredation was significantly correlated with the number of carnivore species that attacked the boma, the number of boma fences and proximity to protected areas, rivers and roads. Bomas with one fence experienced more loss than those with two walls of fencing. We also found that livestock depredation increased farther from protected areas (β = 0.50, SE = 0.10) and rivers (β = 0.39, SE = 0.10) and closer to roads (β = −0.28, SE = 0.11). These results highlight the complex interaction of fine‐scale factors that influence carnivore depredation of livestock at any given boma. We recommend that mitigation address the range of factors, including the structural integrity of a boma, landscape attributes and multiple carnivore raids.



我们使用多种方法来检查非洲狮子(Panthera leo),斑鬣狗(Crocuta crocuta),豹子(Panthera pardus)和黑背jack(Canis mesomelas)对牲畜的掠夺)在坦桑尼亚北部马赛草原上的牲畜围栏中。在这片风景中,牧民饲养牛,山羊,绵羊和驴。所有人都容易受到食肉动物的掠夺。分析了各种因素,例如鲍马的特征,景观属性和食肉动物的攻击,以了解鲍马牲畜损失的最佳预测因子。我们发现,牲畜的掠食与攻击鲍马的食肉动物物种的数量,鲍马栅栏的数量以及与保护区,河流和道路的接近程度密切相关。有两个围墙的围栏比有两个围墙的围栏损失更多。我们还发现,远离保护区(β  = 0.50,SE  = 0.10)和河流(β = 0.39,SE  = 0.10),并且距离道路更近(β  = -0.28,SE  = 0.11)。这些结果凸显了影响任何给定博马的食肉动物肉食剥夺的精细尺度因素之间的复杂相互作用。我们建议缓解措施应解决一系列因素,包括鲍马的结构完整性,景观属性和多个食肉动物袭击。