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An integrative analysis of threats affecting protected areas in a biodiversity stronghold in Southeast Mexico
Global Ecology and Conservation ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.gecco.2020.e01297
Oscar Godínez-Gómez , Cody Schank , Jean-François Mas , Eduardo Mendoza

Protected areas (PAs) are one of the main strategies to preserve tropical biodiversity. However, their viability is compromised by the impacts of a variety of threats. To gain a more integrated view of how different threats affect them, individually and in combination, we analyzed the spatial distribution of forest loss (2010 to 2015), human density, incidence of fires, and mining activities in four PAs (Cordón Pico Loro-Paxtal: CPL, El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve: ETBR, La Sepultura Biosphere Reserve: SEBR and La Frailescana: LF) located in the biodiversity stronghold of the Sierra Madre de Chiapas (SMC), Mexico. We integrated these threats in a Human Pressure Index (HPI, ranging from 0 to 1, where 1 is the highest human pressure). We found that the SEBR and LF were affected mainly by forest loss (13.43% and 11.67% forest area lost, respectively) and fire incidence (between 0.02-0.73 and 0-0.81 fire hotspots/km2, respectively). On the other hand, the ETBR and CPL had lower forest loss and fire incidence but higher mining presence (16.2% and 84.8% of their area involving this activity, respectively), and population density (on average 0.6 and 8.6 inhabitants/km2, respectively). The highest HPI values (>0.6) occurred in the northern and the southern extremes of the study area encompassing 42.6%, 54.5% and 54.1% of the extent of the SEBR, LF, and CPL, respectively, putting in high risk important areas to maintain landscape connectivity. Despite occurring in the same region (SMC) focal PAs are affected differently by the assessed threats. A nonintegrated analysis of threats affecting PAs in biodiversity strongholds such as the SMC risks producing a biased view of their intensity, reducing the possibility to planning more effective conservation strategies.



保护区是保护热带生物多样性的主要策略之一。但是,它们的生存能力受到各种威胁的影响。为了更全面地了解不同威胁如何单独或组合地影响它们,我们分析了四个保护区(CordónPico Loro- Paxtal:CPL,El Triunfo生物圈保护区:ETBR,La Sepultura生物圈保护区:SEBR和La Frailescana:LF)位于墨西哥Siapa Madre de Chiapas(SMC)的生物多样性据点。我们将这些威胁整合到了人类压力指数(HPI,范围从0到1,其中1是最高的人类压力)中。我们发现SEBR和LF主要受到森林流失的影响(13.43%和11.67%的森林面积流失,2)。在另一方面中,ETBR和CPL具有较低的森林损失和火灾发生率较高,但是存在采矿(16.2%和它们的面积分别涉及该活性,84.8%),和人口密度(平均0.6和8.6居民/千米2, 分别)。最高HPI值(> 0.6)发生在研究区域的北部和南部极端,分别占SEBR,LF和CPL范围的42.6%,54.5%和54.1%,从而将高风险重要区域置于保持景观连通性。尽管在同一地区(SMC)发生,但重点评估的PA受评估的威胁的影响不同。对影响生物多样性据点中PA的威胁(例如SMC风险)进行非综合分析,从而对其强度产生偏见,从而降低了制定更有效的保护策略的可能性。
