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Evolved differences in energy metabolism and growth dictate the impacts of ocean acidification on abalone aquaculture [Sustainability Science]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America ( IF 9.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-20 , DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2006910117
Daniel S. Swezey 1, 2, 3 , Sara E. Boles 1, 3, 4 , Kristin M. Aquilino 1, 3, 5 , Haley K. Stott 1 , Doug Bush 2 , Andrew Whitehead 3, 4 , Laura Rogers-Bennett 1, 3, 6, 7 , Tessa M. Hill 1, 3, 8 , Eric Sanford 1, 3, 9

Ocean acidification (OA) poses a major threat to marine ecosystems and shellfish aquaculture. A promising mitigation strategy is the identification and breeding of shellfish varieties exhibiting resilience to acidification stress. We experimentally compared the effects of OA on two populations of red abalone (Haliotis rufescens), a marine mollusc important to fisheries and global aquaculture. Results from our experiments simulating captive aquaculture conditions demonstrated that abalone sourced from a strong upwelling region were tolerant of ongoing OA, whereas a captive-raised population sourced from a region of weaker upwelling exhibited significant mortality and vulnerability to OA. This difference was linked to population-specific variation in the maternal provisioning of lipids to offspring, with a positive correlation between lipid concentrations and survival under OA. This relationship also persisted in experiments on second-generation animals, and larval lipid consumption rates varied among paternal crosses, which is consistent with the presence of genetic variation for physiological traits relevant for OA survival. Across experimental trials, growth rates differed among family lineages, and the highest mortality under OA occurred in the fastest growing crosses. Identifying traits that convey resilience to OA is critical to the continued success of abalone and other shellfish production, and these mitigation efforts should be incorporated into breeding programs for commercial and restoration aquaculture.



海洋酸化(OA)对海洋生态系统和贝类水产养殖构成重大威胁。一种有前途的缓解策略是鉴定和繁殖对酸化胁迫具有抵抗力的贝类。我们通过实验比较了OA对两个红色鲍鱼(Haliotis rufescens),这对渔业和全球水产养殖至关重要。我们模拟圈养水产养殖条件的实验结果表明,来自上流较强地区的鲍鱼可以耐受正在进行的OA,而来自上流较弱地区的人工饲养的种群表现出明显的死亡率和对OA的脆弱性。这种差异与母体向后代供应脂质的人群特异性变异有关,脂质浓度与OA条件下的存活率呈正相关。这种关系在第二代动物的实验中也一直存在,幼虫脂质消耗率在父本杂交中各不相同,这与存在与OA生存有关的生理特征的遗传变异相一致。在整个实验中,家庭谱系之间的增长率不同,OA死亡率最高的发生在增长最快的杂交中。确定对OA具有抗逆性的性状对于鲍鱼和其他贝类产品的持续成功至关重要,这些缓解措施应纳入商业和恢复性水产养殖的育种计划中。
