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Gerald Joseph Goodhardt, 1930–2020
The Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (Statistics in Society) ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-05 , DOI: 10.1111/rssa.12601
Chris Chatfield

Gerald Goodhardt was a distinguished marketing scientist who was also a fine statistician. He was always determined to keep one foot firmly in both camps, and he was for example Chairman of the Market Research Society (1973–1974) as well as being Honorary Secretary of the Royal Statistical Society (RSS) (1982–1988). His research contributions were mainly in the area of consumer purchasing behaviour models in relation to markets and media, and he was latterly heavily involved with running the Ehrenberg–Bass Institute for Marketing Science in Australia.

Gerald was born on April 5th, 1930. Winning scholarships to Marylebone Grammar School and Downing College, Cambridge, he obtained a degree in mathematics and a graduate diploma in statistics. He began his career working as a statistician for the Market Research firm Attwood Statistics Ltd and later joined Aske Research Ltd: a company set up in 1963 by Andrew Ehrenberg which had many well‐known names as clients. In 1975, he entered academia as a Reader at Thames Polytechnic, and then in 1981 he was appointed the Sir John E Cohen Professor of Consumer Studies at the City University Business School. Here his mandate was to raise the level of the Master of Business Administration degree to international level. After retirement in 1995, he became an Emeritus Professor at City University, a Visiting Research Professor at the University of South Australia, a Visiting Research Associate at London South Bank University and a Visiting Professor at Kingston University.

During the course of his career he published widely, especially in marketing journals such as Marketing Research, the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of the Market Research Society, Admap, Nature, the Journal of Customer Behaviour and the European Journal of Marketing, often coauthored with such people as Andrew Ehrenberg, Byron Sharp, Malcolm Wright and Patrick Barwise. His main research interest was in modelling consumer purchasing behaviour. This arose from his early work at Attwood Statistics whose principal source of data came from a large panel of households where somebody completed a weekly ‘diary’ giving details of all the household purchases of a wide range of consumer goods. Around that time, Ehrenberg showed that the distribution of households buying a particular product 0, 1, 2, 3, etc. times in a given time period could not be described by the Poisson distribution, but rather that the negative binomial distribution provided an astonishingly good fit for many hundreds of brands. This finding has been generalized over the years across dozens of product categories, and Gerald was at the forefront of the development of models for the univariate and multivariate cases covering numbers of purchases as well as amount purchased in collaboration with Ehrenberg, me and others. Two highlights were the papers read to the RSS and published in the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, in 1966 (the univariate case) and in 1984 (the multivariate case—the Dirichlet model). As well as models of consumer purchasing behaviour, he was interested in such related topics as the law of double jeopardy (see for example ‘Double jeopardy revisited’ in the Journal of Marketing, 1990, with Ehrenberg and Barwise) and patterns of television viewing (see for example his book on The Television Audience—Patterns of Viewing’, published by Gower, with Ehrenberg and Martin Collins). His wide interests led him to be a frequent contributor to the discussions of papers read to the RSS, and in particular he proposed the vote of thanks for the paper on election night forecasting (Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, 1975).

He established a reputation as being a safe pair of hands on committees and was active over many years in both the Market Research Society and the RSS. As regards the latter, he was a member of the Research Section Committee from 1970 to 1973, a member of the General Applications Section from 1974 to 1976 and their Chairman from 1976 to 1977, a member of the Journals Committee from 1978 to 1979, and a member of the Social Statistics Section Committee from 1980 to 1981. He was elected to Council for the period 1978–1981, and went on to become an Honorary Secretary of the Society during 1982–1988. Within the Market Research Society, he was Chairman from 1973 to 1974 and Vice‐President from 1974 to 1977, was awarded their Gold Medal in 1967 and also a second Gold Medal in 1996 for an ‘exceptional contribution to market research over very many years’, making him the only person to be honoured with two Gold Medals. Gerald was also founding President of the Market Research Benevolent Association and also supported many other charities. He was heavily involved with setting up the Ehrenberg–Bass Marketing Science Centre (later to become the Ehrenberg–Bass Institute for Marketing Science in 2005) at the University of South Australia and was at one time Chair of all three Advisory Boards, namely the Australian, North American and European Boards. It was fitting that the Institute established an annual fellowship named after him.

Gerald was a very likeable man, who was a pleasure to work with. His keen brain and ability to ask the right questions made joint research a constructive, positive and enjoyable experience.

He died on May 7th, 2020, aged 90 years, from Covid‐19 and is survived by his wife Valerie, of 63 years, and by his two children and numerous grandchildren and great‐grandchildren. During his final illness, his son, Ian, tells me that he was invited to participate in a human trial of a potential treatment for Covid‐19. Unlike most people, he read through all the details of the trial, decided that it was a poorly designed study and declined to participate, thus denying himself treatment by a drug that might have helped him. His dedication to high quality statistics was as important to him as life itself, and I think this story speaks volumes.



杰拉尔德·古德哈特(Gerald Goodhardt)是一位杰出的营销科学家,也是一位出色的统计学家。他始终决心坚定地在两个阵营中站稳脚跟,例如,他曾担任市场研究学会主席(1973–1974)和皇家统计学会(RSS)名誉秘书(1982–1988)。他的研究贡献主要在于与市场和媒体相关的消费者购买行为模型领域,后来他参与了澳大利亚艾伦贝格-巴斯市场营销科学研究所的运营。

杰拉尔德(Gerald)生于1930年4月5日。他获得了马里波恩语法学校和剑桥唐宁学院的奖学金,获得了数学学位和统计学的研究生文凭。他的职业生涯始于市场研究公司Attwood Statistics Ltd的统计学家,后来加入了Aske Research Ltd:一家由Andrew Ehrenberg于1963年成立的公司,该公司拥有许多知名客户。1975年,他以泰晤士理工学院的读者身份进入学术界,然后在1981年,他被任命为城市大学商学院消费者研究教授约翰·E·科恩爵士。他的任务是将工商管理硕士学位的水平提高到国际水平。1995年退休后,他成为城市大学的名誉教授,

在他的职业生涯中,他广泛发表,特别是在市场营销刊物,如市场调查,对市场营销杂志,该杂志市场研究会ADMAP自然,该杂志消费者行为欧洲营销杂志,通常与安德鲁·埃伦伯格(Andrew Ehrenberg),拜伦·夏普(Byron Sharp),马尔科姆·赖特(Malcolm Wright)和帕特里克·巴里斯(Patrick Barwise)等人合着。他的主要研究兴趣是对消费者购买行为进行建模。这源于他在Attwood Statistics的早期工作,他的主要数据来源来自大型家庭,某人每周完成一次“日记”,其中详细列出了所有家庭购买的各种消费品。大约在那个时候,埃伦贝格(Ehrenberg)表明,在特定时间段内购买特定产品0、1、2、3等的家庭分布无法用泊松分布来描述,而是负二项式分布提供了惊人的结果。非常适合数百个品牌。多年来,这一发现已广泛应用于数十种产品类别,Gerald处于与Ehrenberg,我和其他人合作的单变量和多变量案例模型开发的最前沿,该模型涵盖了购买数量以及购买金额。读到RSS并发表在RSS上的论文是两个重点。皇家统计协会杂志A系列,1966年(单变量案例)和1984年(多变量案例-Dirichlet模型)。除了消费者购买行为的模型外,他还对相关话题感兴趣,例如双重危险定律(例如,在Ehrenberg和Barwise的《 Marketing Journal》(1990年)中见过“双重危险定律”,以及电视观看模式(例如,参见高尔(Gower)与埃伦伯格(Ehrenberg)和马丁·柯林斯(Martin Collins)共同出版的《电视观众-观看模式》一书。他的广泛兴趣使他经常成为对RSS上阅读的论文的讨论的撰稿人,尤其是他对选举夜预报的论文提出了感谢票(皇家统计学会杂志,A系列,1975年)。

他作为安全的委员会成员而享有盛誉,并在市场研究协会和RSS中活跃了很多年。关于后者,他是1970年至1973年的研究部门委员会的成员,1974年至1976年的通用申请部门的成员,以及1976年至1977年的其主席,1978年至1979年的期刊委员会的成员,以及社会统计科委员会1980成员到1981年,他当选为理事会期间1978-1981,并且继续在1982-1988成为协会的名誉秘书。在市场研究学会内部,他于1973年至1974年担任主席,并于1974年至1977年担任副主席,并于1967年获得金奖,并于1996年获得第二枚金奖,以表彰“多年来对市场研究的杰出贡献”。 ,使他成为唯一获得两枚金牌的人。杰拉尔德(Gerald)还是市场研究慈善协会的创始主席,还支持许多其他慈善机构。他积极参与了南澳大利亚大学建立埃伦贝格-巴斯营销科学中心(后来于2005年成为埃伦贝格-巴斯营销科学学院)的工作,并曾一次担任所有三个咨询委员会的主席,即澳大利亚,北美和欧洲委员会。研究所建立一个以他命名的年度奖学金是很合适的。他积极参与了南澳大利亚大学建立埃伦贝格-巴斯营销科学中心(后来于2005年成为埃伦贝格-巴斯营销科学学院)的工作,并曾一次担任所有三个咨询委员会的主席,即澳大利亚,北美和欧洲委员会。研究所建立一个以他命名的年度奖学金是很合适的。他积极参与了南澳大利亚大学建立埃伦贝格-巴斯营销科学中心(后来于2005年成为埃伦贝格-巴斯营销科学学院)的工作,并曾一次担任所有三个咨询委员会的主席,即澳大利亚,北美和欧洲委员会。研究所建立一个以他命名的年度奖学金是很合适的。


