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Vicki Funk Invited Review Series
TAXON ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-05 , DOI: 10.1002/tax.12362

The IAPT announces the establishment of the Vicki Funk Invited Review series for taxonomy and systematics in TAXON. Taxonomy and systematics are the fields of science with the goal to document the diversity of life, infer the tree of life, and test species limits. As such, they are the foundational disciplines on which other biodiversity‐related fields of science build their own hypotheses. These fields are as divergent as ecology, global change biology, genetics and crop breeding. However, the importance of taxonomy and systematics for these and other fields is often diminished or its results taken for granted. Thus, in establishing this invited review series, IAPT will highlight review articles in TAXON that focus on the importance of taxonomy and systematics for other fields of biology and beyond. The series commemorates the legacy of Vicki Funk, who was one of the most prominent taxonomists emphasizing the importance of taxonomy and systematics in the various aspects of our lives.

In recognition of the importance of this new invited review series, IAPT encourages scientists to write such reviews by:
  • Paying an honorarium of USD 1000 for the publication of a Vicki Funk Invited Review article
  • Publishing Vicki Funk Invited Review articles as open‐access with free color figures
The following guidelines must be adhered to:
  • The review should be concise and comprise about 4000–6000 words without references.
  • Authors who would like to prepare a manuscript for the Vicki Funk Taxonomy Review series must first submit a proposal of up to 600 words clarifying the title, authors and the scope of the review and why it will make a valuable contribution to the discipline.
  • The review manuscript must conform to the standard guidelines for authors unless an exception is permitted by the editor‐in‐chief.
  • Proposals or questions related to the reviews should be addressed to the editor‐in‐chief (dirk.albach@uol.de).
  • We particularly encourage proposals from early‐career researchers.

TAXON further welcomes reviews on any other topic related to taxonomy and systematics, which can be submitted at any time.


Vicki Funk邀请评论系列

IAPT宣布为TAXON中的分类学和系统学建立Vicki Funk邀请复审系列。分类学和系统学是科学领域,其目的是记录生命的多样性,推断生命之树和测试物种的限制。因此,它们是基础学科,其他与生物多样性相关的科学领域都在此基础上建立自己的假设。这些领域与生态学,全球变化生物学,遗传学和作物育种一样分歧。但是,分类学和系统学对于这些领域和其他领域的重要性通常会降低,或者其结果被认为是理所当然的。因此,在建立此邀请的评论系列时,IAPT将重点介绍TAXON中的评论文章,这些文章重点关注分类学和系统学对生物学其他领域及其他领域的重要性。

  • 支付1000美元的酬金,以发表Vicki Funk邀请评论文章
  • 将Vicki Funk Invited Review文章发布为带有免费彩色图形的开放获取
  • 审查应简明扼要,包括大约4000-6000个单词,不带参考。
  • 想要为《 Vicki Funk分类法评论》系列准备手稿的作者必须首先提交不超过600个单词的提案,以阐明标题,作者和评论范围,以及为何会对该学科做出宝贵的贡献。
  • 审稿必须符合作者的标准指南,除非总编辑允许例外。
  • 与评审有关的建议或问题应发送给主编(dirk.albach@uol.de)。
  • 我们特别鼓励早期职业研究人员提出建议。

