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Spiral wave chimeras for coupled oscillators with inertia
The European Physical Journal Special Topics ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-28 , DOI: 10.1140/epjst/e2020-900279-x
Volodymyr Maistrenko , Oleksandr Sudakov , Yuri Maistrenko

We report the appearance and the metamorphoses of spiral wave chimera states in coupled phase oscillators with inertia. First, when the coupling strength is small enough, the system behavior resembles classical two-dimensional (2D) Kuramoto-Shima spiral chimeras with bell-shape frequency characteristic of the incoherent cores [Y. Kuramoto, S.I. Shima, Prog. Theor. Phys. Supp. 150, 115 (2003); S.I. Shima, Y. Kuramoto, Phys. Rev. E. 69, 036213 (2004)]. As the coupling increases, the cores acquire concentric regions of constant time-averaged frequencies, the chimera becomes quasiperiodic. Eventually, with a subsequent increase in the coupling strength, only one such region is left, i.e., the whole core becomes frequency-coherent. An essential modification of the system behavior occurs, when the parameter point enters the so-called solitary region. Then, isolated oscillators are normally present on the spiral core background of the chimera states. These solitary oscillators do not participate in the common spiraling around the cores; instead, they start to oscillate with different time-averaged frequencies (Poincaré winding numbers). The number and the disposition of solitary oscillators can be any, given by the initial conditions. At a further increase in the coupling, the spiraling disappears, and the system behavior passes to a sort of spatiotemporal chaos.



我们报告了在惯性耦合相位振荡器中螺旋波嵌合状态的出现和变形。首先,当耦合强度足够小时,系统行为类似于经典二维(2D)仓本-志摩(Kuramoto-Shima)螺旋嵌合体,其非相干磁芯具有钟形频率特性[Y. 仓本,志摩,编 理论。物理 补给 150,115(2003); SI Shima,Y。Kuramoto,物理学。E.修订版69,036213(2004)]。随着耦合的增加,磁芯将获得恒定时间平均频率的同心区域,嵌合体变为准周期性的。最终,随着耦合强度的增加,仅剩下一个这样的区域,即整个磁芯变为频率相干的。当参数点进入所谓的孤立点时,将对系统行为进行必要的修改地区。然后,通常在嵌合状态的螺旋核心背景上存在隔离的振荡器。这些孤立的振荡器不参与铁心周围的共同螺旋。相反,它们开始以不同的时间平均频率(庞加莱绕组数)振荡。单独振荡器的数量和配置可以是任意的,由初始条件决定。随着耦合的进一步增加,螺旋消失,并且系统行为转为某种时空混乱。
