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Supernova neutrino detection in NOvA
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-05 , DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2020/10/014
M.A. Acero 1 , P. Adamson 2 , G. Agam 3 , L. Aliaga 2 , T. Alion 4 , V. Allakhverdian 5 , N. Anfimov 5 , A. Antoshkin 5 , E. Arrieta-Diaz 6 , L. Asquith 4 , A. Aurisano 7 , A. Back 8 , C. Backhouse 9, 10 , M. Baird 4, 11, 12 , N. Balashov 5 , P. Baldi 13 , B.A. Bambah 14 , S. Bashar 15 , K. Bays 3, 9 , S. Bending 10 , R. Bernstein 2 , V. Bhatnagar 16 , B. Bhuyan 17 , J. Bian 13, 18 , J. Blair 19 , A.C. Booth 4 , P. Bour 20 , R. Bowles 11 , C. Bromberg 21 , N. Buchanan 22 , A. Butkevich 23 , V. Bychkov 18 , S. Calvez 22 , T.J. Carroll 24, 25 , E. Catano-Mur 8, 26 , S. Childress 2 , B.C. Choudhary 27 , T. E. Coan 28 , M. Colo 26 , L. Corwin 29 , L. Cremonesi 10 , G.S. Davies 11, 30 , P.F. Derwent 2 , P. Ding 2 , Z. Djurcic 31 , M. Dolce 15 , D. Doyle 22 , D. Dueñas Tonguino 7 , E.C. Dukes 12 , P. Dung 24 , H. Duyang 32 , S. Edayath 33 , R. Ehrlich 12 , M. Elkins 8 , G.J. Feldman 34 , P. Filip 35 , W. Flanagan 36 , J. Franc 20 , M.J. Frank 37 , H.R. Gallagher 15 , R. Gandrajula 21 , F. Gao 38 , S. Germani 10 , A. Giri 39 , R.A. Gomes 40 , M.C. Goodman 31 , V. Grichine 41 , M. Groh 11 , R. Group 12 , B. Guo 32 , A. Habig 42 , F. Hakl 43 , A. Hall 12 , J. Hartnell 4 , R. Hatcher 2 , A. Hatzikoutelis 44 , K. Heller 18 , J. Hewes 7 , A. Himmel 2 , A. Holin 10 , B. Howard 11 , J. Huang 24 , J. Hylen 2 , F. Jediny 20 , C. Johnson 22 , M. Judah 22 , I. Kakorin 5 , D. Kalra 16 , D. M. Kaplan 3 , R. Keloth 33 , O. Klimov 5 , L.W. Koerner 19 , L. Kolupaeva 5 , S. Kotelnikov 41 , M. Kubu 20 , Ch. Kullenberg 5 , A. Kumar 16 , C.D. Kuruppu 32 , V. Kus 20 , T. Lackey 11 , K. Lang 24 , L. Li 13 , S. Lin 22 , A. Lister 25 , M. Lokajicek 35 , S. Luchuk 23 , S. Magill 31 , W.A. Mann 15 , M.L. Marshak 18 , M. Martinez-Casales 8 , V. Matveev 23 , B. Mayes 4 , D.P. Méndez 4 , M.D. Messier 11 , H. Meyer 45 , T. Miao 2 , W.H. Miller 18 , S.R. Mishra 32 , A. Mislivec 18 , R. Mohanta 14 , A. Moren 42 , A. Morozova 5 , L. Mualem 9 , M. Muether 45 , S. Mufson 11 , K. Mulder 10 , R. Murphy 11 , J. Musser 11 , D. Naples 38 , N. Nayak 13 , J.K. Nelson 26 , R. Nichol 10 , G. Nikseresht 3 , E. Niner 2, 11 , A. Norman 2 , A. Norrick 2 , T. Nosek 46 , A. Olshevskiy 5 , T. Olson 15 , J. Paley 2 , R.B. Patterson 9 , G. Pawloski 18 , O. Petrova 5 , R. Petti 32 , R.K. Plunkett 2 , F. Psihas 11, 24 , A. Rafique 31 , V. Raj 9 , B. Ramson 2 , B. Rebel 2, 25 , P. Rojas 22 , V. Ryabov 41 , O. Samoylov 5 , M.C. Sanchez 8, 31 , S. Sánchez Falero 8 , I. S. Seong 13 , P. Shanahan 2 , A. Sheshukov 5 , P. Singh 27 , V. Singh 47 , E. Smith 11 , J. Smolik 20 , P. Snopok 3 , N. Solomey 45 , A. Sousa 7 , K. Soustruznik 46 , M. Strait 18 , L. Suter 2, 31 , A. Sutton 12 , C. Sweeney 10 , R. L. Talaga 31 , B. Tapia Oregui 24 , P. Tas 46 , R.B. Thayyullathil 33 , J. Thomas 10, 25 , E. Tiras 8 , D. Torbunov 18 , J. Tripathi 16 , A. Tsaris 2 , Y. Torun 3 , J. Urheim 11 , P. Vahle 26 , Z. Vallari 9 , J. Vasel 11 , P. Vokac 20 , T. Vrba 20 , M. Wallbank 7 , T. K. Warburton 8 , M. Wetstein 8 , D. Whittington 11, 48 , D.A. Wickremasinghe 2 , S.G. Wojcicki 49 , J. Wolcott 15 , A. Yallappa Dombara 48 , K. Yonehara 2 , S. Yu 3, 31 , Y. Yu 3 , S. Zadorozhnyy 23 , J. Zalesak 35 , Y. Zhang 4 , R. Zwaska 2

The NOvA long-baseline neutrino experiment uses a pair of large, segmented, liquid-scintillator calorimeters to study neutrino oscillations, using GeV-scale neutrinos from the Fermilab NuMI beam. These detectors are also sensitive to the flux of neutrinos which are emitted during a core-collapse supernova through inverse beta decay interactions on carbon at energies of $\mathcal{O}(10~\text{MeV})$. This signature provides a means to study the dominant mode of energy release for a core-collapse supernova occurring in our galaxy. We describe the data-driven software trigger system developed and employed by the NOvA experiment to identify and record neutrino data from nearby galactic supernovae. This technique has been used by NOvA to self-trigger on potential core-collapse supernovae in our galaxy, with an estimated sensitivity reaching out to 10~kpc distance while achieving a detection efficiency of 23\% to 49\% for supernovae from progenitor stars with masses of 9.6M$_\odot$ to 27M$_\odot$, respectively.



NOvA 长基线中微子实验使用一对大型分段液体闪烁量热计来研究中微子振荡,使用来自费米实验室 NuMI 光束的 GeV 尺度中微子。这些探测器还对核心坍缩超新星期间通过碳上的逆β衰变相互作用以$\mathcal{O}(10~\text{MeV})$ 的能量发射的中微子通量敏感。这一特征为研究发生在我们银河系中的核心坍缩超新星的主要能量释放模式提供了一种手段。我们描述了由 NOvA 实验开发和使用的数据驱动软件触发系统,用于识别和记录来自附近星系超新星的中微子数据。这种技术已被 NOvA 用于自触发我们银河系中潜在的核心坍缩超新星,