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Communicating science: The making of a comics poster on biodeterioration
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ibiod.2020.105092
A.C. Pinheiro , S.O. Sequeira , R. Pousada

Abstract The History of Humanity can be traced by our Cultural Heritage. However, we are not the only ones who can appreciate our tangible legacies. Biodeterioration is well recognized in the field of cultural heritage conservation. Over the last few decades, it has been the object of both modest and ambitious studies, some aiming to identify one single agent, others trying to understand entire communities. Proper sampling and tools such as culture-dependent techniques, DNA analysis, protein and pigment identification studies, metabolomics and microscopy (in its various forms) are important allies and their combined results should be prized for the valuable data they provide. Coordinated efforts to implement standard practices and share relevant information and approved guidelines to better understand any cause-effect relationships are vital to address this issue. In an international symposium devoted to biodeterioration, the paragraph above is regarded as common sense and a poster on the topic would hardly deserve a second look. Comics have shown to deliver scientific information with accuracy and a higher impact as they are seen as lighter and more enjoyable to look at and read than the same amount of information delivered as a text form or even in graphics. Next is the detailed making of a comics poster intended to appeal to the attending public while also displaying accurate scientific context.



摘要 人类的历史可以通过我们的文化遗产来追溯。然而,我们并不是唯一能够欣赏我们有形遗产的人。生物退化在文化遗产保护领域得到广泛认可。在过去的几十年里,它一直是适度和雄心勃勃的研究的对象,一些旨在确定一个单一的代理,另一些则试图了解整个社区。适当的采样和工具,如依赖培养的技术、DNA 分析、蛋白质和色素鉴定研究、代谢组学和显微镜(以各种形式)是重要的盟友,它们的综合结果应该因其提供的有价值的数据而受到重视。协调努力实施标准做法并共享相关信息和批准的指南以更好地了解任何因果关系对于解决此问题至关重要。在专门讨论生物降解的国际研讨会上,上述段落被视为常识,关于该主题的海报几乎不值得再看一眼。与以文本形式或什至图形形式提供的相同数量的信息相比,漫画已被证明可以准确地提供科学信息,并具有更高的影响力,因为它们被视为更轻松、更有趣。接下来是详细制作漫画海报,旨在吸引参加的公众,同时展示准确的科学背景。上述段落被视为常识,关于该主题的海报几乎不值得再看一遍。与以文本形式或什至图形形式提供的相同数量的信息相比,漫画已被证明可以准确地提供科学信息,并具有更高的影响力,因为它们被视为更轻松、更有趣。接下来是详细制作漫画海报,旨在吸引参加的公众,同时展示准确的科学背景。上述段落被视为常识,关于该主题的海报几乎不值得再看一遍。与以文本形式或什至图形形式提供的相同数量的信息相比,漫画已被证明可以准确地提供科学信息,并具有更高的影响力,因为它们被视为更轻松、更有趣。接下来是详细制作漫画海报,旨在吸引参加的公众,同时展示准确的科学背景。