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Wide coverage but few quantitative data: Coarse sediments in the English Channel
Ecological Indicators ( IF 6.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.107010
Jean-Philippe Pezy , Jean-Claude Dauvin

Offshore Wind Farms (OWFs) in the English Channel and along the coast of Normandy (France) will be installed on coarse sediments, which cover about 80% of the seabed of the English Channel. A BACI (Before After Control Impact) approach has been recommended by the French State for each of these OWFs. This provides the opportunity to acquire macrofauna data and assess the Ecological Quality Status in areas that are poorly sampled. In the case of the Dieppe-Le Tréport (DLT) OWF, for that, a sampling strategy was developed in 2014–2016 to establish a ‘Before’ state for the sediment and macrofauna. Results highlight that the DLT OWF project site includes three different sediment type: sandy Gravel (sG), gravelly Sand (gS) and medium Sand (mS). Taxonomic Richness and abundances are dominated by Annelids in all three habitats, followed by Arthropods and Molluscs. In terms of biomass, Molluscs (bivalves) are predominant in sG and gS, while Echinoderms and Polychaetes along with bivalves represent a high fraction of the biomass in mS. Surface Deposit Feeders are the most important group in terms of abundance, while Filter feeders largely dominate the biomass. The benthic indices based on abundances reveal a high Ecological Quality Status for the three sediment types. However, due to the predominant contribution of the bivalve Glycymeris glycymeris to the biomass, the habitat quality appears to vary from moderate to bad. In comparison with other similar habitats, the Taxonomic Richness and Abundances of coarse sediments and medium sand are in the same order of magnitude as other sites. However, the biomasses are among the highest so far recorded, reflecting the importance of this area as a hotspot of biomass in the English Channel.



英吉利海峡和诺曼底(法国)沿岸的海上风电场(OWF)将安装在粗沉积物上,这些沉积物覆盖英吉利海峡约80%的海床。法国政府已针对这些OWF中的每一个建议采用BACI(控制后影响之前)方法。这为采集大型动物数据和评估采样率低的地区的生态质量状况提供了机会。对于Dieppe-LeTréport(DLT)OWF,为此,2014-2016年制定了采样策略,以建立沉积物和大型动物的“之前”状态。结果表明,DLT OWF项目工地包括三种不同的沉积物类型:砂砾(sG),砾砂(gS)和中砂(mS)。在所有三个栖息地中,Annilids占据了分类学上的丰富度和丰富度,其次是节肢动物和软体动物。就生物量而言,软体动物(双壳类动物)在sG和gS中占主导地位,而棘皮动物和多壳类动物与双壳类动物则占mS中生物质的很大一部分。就丰度而言,表面沉积物进料器是最重要的一组,而过滤器进料器在生物质中占主导地位。基于丰度的底栖指数显示了三种沉积物类型的高生态质量状况。但是,由于双壳类动物的主要贡献 基于丰度的底栖指数显示了三种沉积物类型的高生态质量状况。但是,由于双壳类动物的主要贡献 基于丰度的底栖指数显示了三种沉积物类型的高生态质量状况。但是,由于双壳类动物的主要贡献甘草甘草对生物量的影响,生境质量似乎从中等到差。与其他类似的生境相比,粗粒沉积物和中砂的分类学丰富度和丰度与其他地点的数量级相同。但是,生物量是迄今为止记录的最高生物量之一,反映出该地区作为英吉利海峡生物量热点地区的重要性。
