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Nutritional fitness of a reduviid predator Rhynocoris marginatus (fab.) (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) using biological traits and macromolecules of pests
International Journal of Tropical Insect Science ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-02 , DOI: 10.1007/s42690-020-00248-y
Kitherian Sahayaraj , LakshmananPriya Dharshini , LokoYêyinouLaura Estelle

Rhynocoris marginatus (Fab.) is one of the most predominant biological control agents in India, which feeds on wide range of economically important pestiferous insects. The nutritional fitness of the reduviid predator was assessed with five orthoperan crop pests such as (Diabolocatantops pinguis (Stål), Oxya nitidula (Walker), Atractomorpha crenulata (Fab.), Orthacris maindroni (Bolivar), and Trilophidia annulata (Thunberg) and a laboratory host Corcyra cephalonica (Stainton) under laboratory conditions. Results reveals that all prey species, supports the completion of life cycle (nymphal developmental time, pre-oviposition, oviposition and post-oviposition periods, adult longevity, fecundity) of this predator. Moreover, the macromolecular components (total carbohydrate, protein and lipid) and the enzymatic profile (amylase, invertase, protease and lipase) of chosen preys (Phenacoccus solenopsis (Tinsley), C. cephalonica, Dysdercus koenigii (Fab.), Spodoptera litura (Fab.), D. pinguis, O. nitidula, A. crenulata, O. maindroni and T. annulata) and, predators reared with the five orthopteran prey species were also estimated. The macromolecular, enzymatic and biological studies shows that D. pinguis is the suitable prey for R. marginatus.


利用生物学特性和害虫大分子对拟南芥捕食者边缘Rhynocoris marginatus(fab。)(Hemiptera:Reduviidae)的营养适应性

边缘Rhynocoris marginatus(Fab。)是印度最主要的生物防治剂之一,以多种具有重要经济意义的害虫为食。的猎蝽捕食的营养健身用5种orthoperan作物害虫如(评估Diabolocatantops pinguis(蝽),稻蝗nitidula(沃克),负蝗红景天(FAB),Orthacris乌贼(玻利瓦尔)疣蝗(瓢虫)和实验室主机Corcyra cephalonica(Stainton)在实验室条件下。结果表明,所有捕食物种均支持该捕食者的生命周期(若虫发育时间,产卵前,产卵期和产后期,成年寿命,繁殖力)的完成。此外,所选择的猎物的大分子组分(总碳水化合物,蛋白质和脂类)和酶促轮廓(淀粉酶,转化酶,蛋白酶和脂肪酶)(绵粉蚧红火(廷斯利),C. cephalonicaDysdercus koenigii(FAB),斜纹夜蛾( Fab。),D。pinguis,O。nitidula,A。crenulata,O。maindroniT. annulata),还估计了饲养着5种直翅类猎物的捕食者。大分子,酶和生物学研究表明,D. pinguis对于合适的猎物R. marginatus
