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Do changes in temperature affect EU Water Framework Directive compliant assessment results of central European streams?
Environmental Sciences Europe ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-03 , DOI: 10.1186/s12302-020-00403-9
Phillip J. Haubrock , Francesca Pilotto , Peter Haase


Benthic invertebrate communities are an integral and longstanding component of stream biomonitoring. However, multiple stressors driven by global change threaten benthic invertebrate communities. In particular, climate warming is expected to disrupt freshwater ecosystems. While an increasing number of studies have shown changes in benthic invertebrate community composition in response to climate warming, the effect on stream assessments has rarely been investigated. As several community composition metrics are also used in stream assessments, we predicted that climate warming would worsen stream assessment results. Therefore, we used a comprehensive data set of 2865 benthic invertebrate samples taken between 2000 and 2014 from small central European low mountain streams. We examined the effects of changes in temperature on common community and stream assessment metrics. We used 31 metrics covering composition, richness, tolerance and function of communities, of which many are used in various stream assessment schemes.


Against our expectations, we identified a decreasing air temperature trend of − 0.18 °C over 15 years. This trend was accompanied by significant changes in community composition, for example, increases in species richness and decreases in the community temperature index (CTI). Further, we identified slight concomitant improvements of various globally used stream quality assessment metrics, such as a decreasing saprobic index and an increasing BMWP.


While temperature increased by + 0.9 °C during the past 30 years (1985–2014), our 15-year study period (2000–2014) showed a decrease by − 0.18 °C. Therefore, we regard the concomitant improvement in several assessment metrics as a recovery from prior increasing temperatures. In turn, we assume that increases in water temperature will lead to opposite effects and therefore cause declining assessment results. Water managers should be aware of this linkage that in turn could provide a chance to mitigate the effects of global warming by, for example, planting trees along the rivers and the removal of artificial barriers to increase current velocity to minimize a warming effect.








在过去30年(1985-2014年)中,温度升高了+ 0.9°C,而我们15年的研究期(2000-2014年)却降低了− 0.18°C。因此,我们认为伴随着几个评估指标的提高是从先前温度上升中的恢复。反过来,我们假定水温升高会导致相反的影响,因此会导致评估结果下降。水务管理者应意识到这种联系,而这反过来又可以提供一个减轻全球变暖影响的机会,例如,通过在河流上种树和去除人为障碍物来增加水流速度,从而最大程度地降低变暖的影响。
