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Erratum: Multiscatter capture of superheavy dark matter by Pop III stars
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-30 , DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2020/10/e01
Cosmin Ilie , Saiyang Zhang

In this erratum, we fix a typo and an error in two of the equations used in our paper titled "Multiscatter capture of superheavy dark matter by Pop III stars," published in JCAP 12 (2019) 051, hereafter IZ19. The typo was just cosmetic, appeared only once, and in the entirety of our work, we used the correct spelling for that equation, so none of the results is affected. The error is propagated from our usage of eq. (23) from Bramante, Delgado and Martin [Phys. Rev. D 96 (2017) 063002, hereafter BDM17], which, as we have recently shown in Ilie, Pilawa, Szhang [Phys. Rev. D accepted (2020), hereafter IPZ20] contains a term with the wrong sign, among other typos/errors. We did investigate if this term affects our results presented IZ19, and found out that this is not the case. Namely, none of our results is affected by this term that is completely subdominant in the parameter space explored by our original paper.


勘误:Pop III恒星对超重暗物质的多散射捕获

在此勘误中,我们修复了题为“ Pop III恒星的超重暗物质的多散射捕获”的论文中使用的两个公式中的错字和错误,该论文发表于JCAP 12(2019)051,以下称IZ19。错别字只是装饰性的,只出现过一次,在我们的整个工作中,我们对该等式使用了正确的拼写,因此,所有结果均不受影响。该错误是由于我们对等式的使用而传播的。(23)来自Bramante,Delgado和Martin [Phys。Rev. D 96(2017)063002,以下简称BDM17],如我们最近在Shang的Pliewa的Ilie所展示的[Phys。Rev. D接受(2020年,以下简称IPZ20)中包含带错误符号的术语,以及其他错别字/错误。我们确实调查了这个术语是否会影响我们在IZ19中提出的结果,但事实并非如此。即