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Stakeholders' perceptions of child and adolescent mental health services in a South African district: a qualitative study
International Journal of Mental Health Systems ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-02 , DOI: 10.1186/s13033-020-00406-2
Gbotemi Bukola Babatunde 1 , André Janse van Rensburg 1 , Arvin Bhana 1 , Inge Petersen 1

In order to develop a district child and adolescent mental health (CAMH) plan, it is vital to engage with a range of stakeholders involved in providing CAMH services, given the complexities associated with delivering such services. Hence this study sought to explore multisectoral dynamics in providing CAMH care in one resource-constrained South African district as a case study, towards informing the development of a model for district mental health plan and generating lessons for mental health systems strengthening to support CAMH services using the Health Systems Dynamics (HSD) framework. HSD provides a suitable structure for analysing interactions between different elements within the health system and other sectors. Purposive sampling of 60 key informants was conducted to obtain an in-depth understanding of various stakeholders' experiences and perceptions of the available CAMH services in the district. The participants include stakeholders from the Departments of Health (DoH), Basic Education (DBE), community-based/non-governmental organizations and caregivers of children receiving CAMH care. The data was categorized according to the elements of the HSD framework. The HSD framework helped in identifying the components of the health systems that are necessary for CAMH service delivery. At a district level, the shortage of human resources, un-coordinated CAMH management system, lack of intersectoral collaboration and the low priority given to the CAMH system negatively impacts on the service providers' experiences of providing CAMH services. Services users' experiences of access to available CAMH services was negatively impacted by financial restrictions, low mental health literacy and stigmatization. Nevertheless, the study participants perceived the available CAMH specialists to be competent and dedicated to delivering quality services but will benefit from systems strengthening initiatives that can expand the workforce and equip non-specialists with the required skills, resources and adequate coordination. The need to develop the capacity of all the involved stakeholders in relation to CAMH services was imperative in the district. The need to create a mental health outreach team and equip teachers and caregivers with skills required to promote mental wellbeing, promptly identify CAMH conditions, refer appropriately and adhere to a management regimen was emphasized.



鉴于与提供此类服务相关的复杂性,为了制定地区儿童和青少年心理健康 (CAMH) 计划,与参与提供 CAMH 服务的一系列利益相关者合作至关重要。因此,本研究旨在探索在一个资源有限的南非地区提供 CAMH 护理的多部门动态,作为案例研究,为地区心理健康计划模型的开发提供信息,并为加强心理健康系统提供经验教训,以支持 CAMH 服务使用卫生系统动态 (HSD) 框架。HSD 为分析卫生系统和其他部门内不同要素之间的相互作用提供了合适的结构。对 60 名关键知情人进行了有目的性抽样,以深入了解各利益相关方的情况。对该地区可用的 CAMH 服务的经验和看法。参与者包括来自卫生部 (DoH)、基础教育部 (DBE)、社区/非政府组织和接受 CAMH 护理的儿童的照顾者的利益相关者。数据根据 HSD 框架的元素进行分类。HSD 框架有助于确定提供 CAMH 服务所需的卫生系统组成部分。在地区层面,人力资源短缺、CAMH 管理体系不协调、缺乏跨部门协作以及对 CAMH 系统的重视程度不高,对服务提供商提供 CAMH 服务的体验产生了负面影响。服务用户对可用 CAMH 服务的访问体验受到财务限制的负面影响,低心理健康素养和污名化。尽管如此,研究参与者认为可用的 CAMH 专家有能力并致力于提供优质服务,但将受益于系统强化举措,这些举措可以扩大劳动力并为非专家提供所需的技能、资源和充分的协调。该地区迫切需要发展所有相关利益相关者在 CAMH 服务方面的能力。强调需要创建一个心理健康外展团队,并为教师和护理人员提供促进心理健康所需的技能,及时识别 CAMH 状况,适当转诊并遵守管理方案。研究参与者认为可用的 CAMH 专家有能力并致力于提供优质服务,但将受益于系统强化举措,这些举措可以扩大劳动力并为非专家提供所需的技能、资源和充分的协调。该地区迫切需要发展所有相关利益相关者在 CAMH 服务方面的能力。强调需要创建一个心理健康外展团队,并为教师和护理人员提供促进心理健康所需的技能,及时识别 CAMH 状况,适当转诊并遵守管理方案。研究参与者认为可用的 CAMH 专家有能力并致力于提供优质服务,但将受益于系统强化举措,这些举措可以扩大劳动力并为非专家提供所需的技能、资源和充分的协调。该地区迫切需要发展所有相关利益相关者在 CAMH 服务方面的能力。强调需要创建一个心理健康外展团队,并为教师和护理人员提供促进心理健康所需的技能,及时识别 CAMH 状况,适当转诊并遵守管理方案。资源和充分的协调。该地区迫切需要发展所有相关利益相关者在 CAMH 服务方面的能力。强调需要创建一个心理健康外展团队,并为教师和护理人员提供促进心理健康所需的技能,及时识别 CAMH 状况,适当转诊并遵守管理方案。资源和充分的协调。该地区迫切需要发展所有相关利益相关者在 CAMH 服务方面的能力。强调需要创建一个心理健康外展团队,并为教师和护理人员提供促进心理健康所需的技能,及时识别 CAMH 状况,适当转诊并遵守管理方案。