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Territorial behaviour of buzzards versus random matrix spacing distributions
Journal of Theoretical Biology ( IF 2 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2020.110475
Gernot Akemann 1 , Michael Baake 2 , Nayden Chakarov 3 , Oliver Krüger 3 , Adam Mielke 1 , Meinolf Ottensmann 3 , Rebecca Werdehausen 1

A deeper understanding of the processes underlying the distribution of animals in space is crucial for both basic and applied ecology. The Common buzzard (Buteo buteo) is a highly aggressive, territorial bird of prey that interacts strongly with its intra- and interspecific competitors. We propose and use random matrix theory to quantify the strength and range of repulsion as a function of the buzzard population density, thus providing a novel approach to model density dependence. As an indicator of territorial behaviour, we perform a large-scale analysis of the distribution of buzzard nests in an area of 300 square kilometres around the Teutoburger Wald, Germany, as gathered over a period of 20 years. The nearest and next-to-nearest neighbour spacing distribution between nests is compared to the two-dimensional Poisson distribution, originating from uncorrelated random variables, to the complex eigenvalues of random matrices, which are strongly correlated, and to a two-dimensional Coulomb gas interpolating between these two. A one-parameter fit to a time-moving average reveals a significant increase of repulsion between neighbouring nests, as a function of the observed increase in absolute population density over the monitored period of time, thereby proving an unexpected yet simple model for density-dependent spacing of predator territories. A similar effect is obtained for next-to-nearest neighbours, albeit with weaker repulsion, indicating a short-range interaction. Our results show that random matrix theory might be useful in the context of population ecology.



深入了解动物在空间中分布的过程对于基本生态学和应用生态学都至关重要。普通秃鹰(Buteo buteo)是一种极具侵略性的领土猛禽,与它的种内和种间竞争者强烈相互作用。我们提出并使用随机矩阵理论来量化斥力的强度和范围,以作为秃鹰种群密度的函数,从而提供了一种新型的密度依赖模型。作为区域行为的一种指标,我们对20年来在德国Teutoburger Wald周围300平方公里区域内的秃鹰巢进行了大规模分析。将巢之间最近和最接近的邻居间距分布与二维泊松分布进行比较,源于不相关的随机变量,与强相关的随机矩阵的复杂特征值以​​及介于这两者之间的二维库仑气体。随时间推移的平均值进行单参数拟合显示,在所监视的时间段内,根据观察到的绝对种群密度的增加,相邻巢之间的排斥力显着增加,从而证明了依赖于密度的意外而简单的模型捕食者领土的间隔。尽管排斥力较弱,但对最近的邻居也有类似的效果,表明存在短程相互作用。我们的结果表明,随机矩阵理论在人口生态学中可能是有用的。并在这两者之间插入二维库仑气体。随时间推移的平均值进行单参数拟合显示,在所监视的时间段内,根据观察到的绝对种群密度的增加,相邻巢之间的排斥力显着增加,从而证明了依赖于密度的意外而简单的模型捕食者领土的间隔。尽管排斥力较弱,但对最近的邻居也有类似的效果,表明存在短程相互作用。我们的结果表明,随机矩阵理论在人口生态学中可能是有用的。并在这两者之间插入二维库仑气体。随时间推移的平均值进行单参数拟合显示,在所监视的时间段内,根据观察到的绝对种群密度的增加,相邻巢之间的排斥力显着增加,从而证明了依赖于密度的意外而简单的模型捕食者领土的间隔。尽管排斥力较弱,但对最近的邻居也有类似的效果,表明存在短程相互作用。我们的结果表明,随机矩阵理论在人口生态学中可能是有用的。根据所观察到的一段时间内观察到的绝对种群密度的增加的函数,从而证明了一个依赖于捕食者领土的密度依赖性间隔的出乎意料却简单的模型。尽管排斥力较弱,但对最近的邻居也有类似的效果,表明存在短程相互作用。我们的结果表明,随机矩阵理论在人口生态学中可能是有用的。根据所观察到的一段时间内观察到的绝对种群密度的增加的函数,从而证明了一个依赖于捕食者领土的密度依赖性间隔的出乎意料却简单的模型。尽管排斥力较弱,但对最近的邻居也有类似的效果,表明存在短程相互作用。我们的结果表明,随机矩阵理论在人口生态学中可能是有用的。
