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Renegotiating situativity: transformations of local herbal knowledge in a Western Alpine valley during the past 40 years
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1186/s13002-020-00402-3
Michele F. Fontefrancesco , Andrea Pieroni

Mountain environments are fragile socio-ecological systems and the conservation of their biological and cultural diversities— seen as co-evolving, strongly intertwined entities—represents a crucial issue for fostering their sustainability. Very few ethnobiological studies have assessed in the mountainous regions of Europe how local botanical knowledge, which represents a vital portion of the local environmental knowledge (LEK), changes over time, although this may be quintessential for a better understanding of the factors influencing how knowledge and practices are shaped, eroded, or even re-created. In the current study, we compared the gathering and use of local medicinal plants in the Upper Sangone Valley, Western Italian Alps, Piedmont (NW Italy) as described in a field study conducted in the mid-seventies and published in 1977 and those arising from field research that we conducted in the spring of 2015 and 2018, during which time ethnobotanical and ethnomycological information concerning both folk medicinal and wild food uses was obtained via 47 in-depth open and semi-structured interviews with community members. In total, one hundred thirty folk taxa represent the past and present medicinal and wild food plant/mushroom heritage of the Sangone Valley: 26 herbal taxa were recorded 40 years ago only; 68 herbal and wild food taxa have been recorded in the current study only; and 36 herbal taxa have been continuously used during the last 40 years. There were no remarkable quantitative differences between the two diachronic medico-ethnobotanical datasets, but the qualitative differences were substantial. The gathering and use of some medicinal plants growing in meadows, forests and higher mountain environments (i.e. Arctostaphylos, Filipendula, Hepatica, Larix, Laserptium, Picea, Polygonatum, Primula, Tussilago and Veronica spp.) disappeared, whereas the collection of plant genera growing in more anthropogenic environments or possibly promoted via popular books and media has been newly introduced (i.e. Aloysia, Apium, Brassica, Crataegus, Epilobium, Fumaria, Geranium, Juniperus, Melissa, Rubus, Rumex, Sedum, Silybum, Taraxacum and Vaccinium spp.). The findings show a renegotiation of the situativity that for centuries forged the embeddedness of local communities in their natural environments, probably heavily informed in the past by prevalent pastoralist and forest-centred activities and thus by a deeper knowledge of higher mountain and forest environments. The re-arrangement of a more domestic and more “globalized” herbal knowledge system was possibly inspired by new urban residents, who started to populate the valley at the end of the Seventies, when the original inhabitants abandoned their homes for the urban centres of the Piedmontese plain. The current study suggests that future directions of ethnobiological research should more carefully look at the adaptive capacity of LEK systems.



山区环境是脆弱的社会生态系统,其生物和文化多样性的保护(被视为共同发展,相互交织的实体)是促进其可持续性的关键问题。在欧洲山区,很少有人种生物学研究评估代表当地环境知识(LEK)的重要部分的当地植物知识如何随时间变化,尽管这可能是更好地了解影响知识方式的因素的典型意义。实践被塑造,侵蚀甚至重新创造。在当前的研究中,我们比较了意大利西部阿尔卑斯山上桑格内河谷地区当地药用植物的收集和使用情况,皮埃蒙特(意大利西北部),在70年代中期进行并于1977年发表的实地研究中进行了描述,以及在2015年和2018年春季进行的实地研究中得出的结果,在此期间,有关民间药材和植物学的民族植物学和民族学信息通过与社区成员进行的47次深度开放和半结构化访谈获得了野生食品的用途。总计,一百三十种民间分类代表了Sangone谷的过去和现在的药用和野生食用植物/蘑菇遗产:仅40年前记录了26种草药分类。仅在本研究中记录了68种草药和野生食品类群;在过去的40年中,已经连续使用了36种草药分类单元。两个历时的医学-民族植物学数据集之间没有明显的定量差异,但是质量上的差异是巨大的。在草地,森林和高山环境中生长的一些药用植物(如Arctostaphylos,Filipendula,Hepatica,Larix,Laserptium,Picea,Polygonatum,报春花,Tussilago和Veronica spp。)的收集和使用消失了,而植物属的收集却在增长在更多的人为环境中或可能通过流行的书籍和媒体进行了推广(例如,阿洛西亚,鸦片,芸苔属,Crataegus,Epilobium,倒霉,天竺葵,杜松,Melissa,Rubus,Rumex,Sedum,水飞蓟,蒲公英和牛痘菌。) 。研究结果表明,原住民地位的重新谈判使当地社区在其自然环境中的根深蒂固形成了几个世纪,过去,由于流行的牧民活动和以森林为中心的活动,因此对高山和森林环境有了更深入的了解,这可能是他们的重要信息。重新安排一个更加国内化和“全球化”的草药知识体系,可能是受到新的城市居民的启发。这些城市居民在七十年代末开始居住在山谷中,当时原始居民将家园搬到了城市的市中心。皮埃蒙特平原。当前的研究表明,民族生物学研究的未来方向应更仔细地研究LEK系统的适应能力。七十年代末,当原始居民将房屋搬到皮埃蒙特平原平原的市区时,他开始在山谷中居住。当前的研究表明,民族生物学研究的未来方向应更仔细地研究LEK系统的适应能力。七十年代末,当原始居民将房屋搬到皮埃蒙特平原平原的市区时,他开始在山谷中居住。当前的研究表明,民族生物学研究的未来方向应更仔细地研究LEK系统的适应能力。