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Involution on pseudoisotopy spaces and space of the nonnegatively curved metrics
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-28 , DOI: 10.1090/tran/8135
Mauricio Bustamante , Francis Thomas Farrell , Yi Jiang

We prove that certain involutions defined by Vogell and Burghelea-Fiedorowicz on the rational algebraic K-theory of spaces coincide. This gives a way to compute the positive and negative eigenspaces of the involution on rational homotopy groups of pseudoisotopy spaces from the involution on rational $S^{1}$--homology group of the free loop space of a simply-connected manifold. As an application, we give explicit dimensions of the open manifolds $V$ that appear in Belegradek-Farrell-Kapovitch's work for which the spaces of complete nonnegatively curved metrics on $V$ have nontrivial rational homotopy groups.



我们证明了 Vogell 和 Burghelea-Fiedorowicz 在空间的有理代数 K 理论上定义的某些对合是一致的。这提供了一种方法,可以从有理$S^{1}$--单连通流形的自由环空间的同调群的对合计算伪同位素空间的有理同伦群的对合的正负特征空间。作为一个应用,我们给出了出现在 Belegradek-Farrell-Kapovitch 的工作中的开流形 $V$ 的明确维度,其中 $V$ 上的完全非负弯曲度量的空间具有非平凡的有理同伦群。