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Hitchhiking mites
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment ( IF 10.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1002/fee.2258
Andrew Dyck 1

Phoresy is an association between two species in which one transports another. Burying beetles (Nicrophorus spp), also known as carrion beetles, carry mites. There are about 20 phoretic mites on this Nicrophorus beetle, seen in the Great Lakes–St Lawrence forest near Gravenhurst, Canada, and these mites will remain attached until they arrive at the beetle's next carcass.

Male Nicrophorus beetles first locate the carcasses of small mammals or birds, and then prepare them by stripping off the fur or feathers. After locating a suitable male and mating, the female lays her eggs inside the prepared carrion. Males and females then bury the carcass in a ~20‐cm‐deep grave (which will become the beetle's brood chamber) by gradually excavating soil beneath it and covering it with antimicrobial secretions. Burying beetles are unusual in that both males and females take part in raising their young. The American burying beetle (Nicrophorus americanus) historically inhabited 35 states and three Canadian provinces but is now found in only five states and one province. In 1989, the US Fish and Wildlife Service listed it as endangered.

Although four families of mites are typically found on burying beetles, members of the genus Poecilochirus (which belong to the Parasitidae family) are the most common. Only Poecilochirus mites, however, have been documented to reproduce in the beetle's brood chamber, which improves the chances of their progeny finding a suitable host when they reach the phoretic stage. It is currently unknown if mites in the other three families are able to reproduce in the beetle's brood chamber or whether they are simply transient hitchhikers. While the relationship between the two arthropods appears to be mutualistic, how the mite benefits the beetle remains unclear. One possibility is that the mites feed on fly eggs, which would otherwise hatch into maggots and compete with the beetle's larvae for the buried carcass.



Phoresy是两个物种之间的关联,其中一个物种运输另一个物种。埋葬甲虫(Nicrophorus spp),也称为腐肉甲虫,携带螨虫。在加拿大格雷文赫斯特附近的大湖区-圣劳伦斯森林中,这只Nicrophorus甲虫上大约有20只etic螨,这些螨虫将一直附着,直到到达甲虫的下一个car体。

雄性Nicrophorus甲虫首先找到小型哺乳动物或鸟类的尸体,然后通过剥去皮毛或羽毛来准备它们。找到合适的雄性并进行交配后,雌性将卵产在准备好的腐肉中。然后,雄性和雌性通过逐渐挖掘土壤下方的土壤并用抗菌素分泌物覆盖,将尸体埋在20厘米深的坟墓中(该坟墓将成为甲虫的巢室)。埋葬甲虫很不寻常,因为雄性和雌性都参与抚养幼虫。美国埋地甲虫(Nicrophorus americanus)历史上居住在35个州和加拿大的三个省,但现在仅在五个州和一个省发现。1989年,美国鱼类和野生动物服务局将其列为濒危物种。

