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Spatial prioritization for biodiversity conservation in a megadiverse country
Anthropocene ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ancene.2020.100267
Alma V. Mendoza-Ponce , Rogelio O. Corona-Núñez , Florian Kraxner , Francisco Estrada

Mexico is a biologically megadiverse country, but its biodiversity is endangered due to high deforestation rates. Impacts of land-use/cover-change and climate change are unevenly distributed, which hinders the execution of conservation practices. Consequently, an adequate spatial conservation prioritization is crucial to minimize the negative impacts on biodiversity. Global and national efforts to prioritize conservation show that >45 % of Mexico should be protected. This study develops an applicable spatial conservation prioritization to minimize impacts on biodiversity, under three scenarios. They integrate exposure to land-use/cover-change and climate change scenarios, adaptive capacity to deal with the exposure, and the distribution of endemic species on risk of extinction. Our results show that by 2050 between 11.6 %, 13.9 % and 16.1 % of Mexico would reach score ≥50 in vulnerability (VI), under the optimistic, BAU, and the worst-case scenarios, respectively. By 2070, these figures would rise to 11.9 %, 14.8 % and 18.4 %. Amphibians are the most threatened vertebrates with 62.2 % of endemic species being critically endangered or endangered, while 39.2 %, 11.8 %, and 8.5 % of endemic mammals, birds and reptiles are endangered or critically endangered. The distribution of these amphibians accounts for 3.3 % of the country’s area, while mammals, birds, and reptiles represent 9.9 %, 16.2 %, and 28.7 % of Mexico. Moreover, seven municipalities (0.39 % of the country) represent 30 % of the most vulnerable areas (VI = 70). This study offers relevant information at the levels of municipality and species to help decision-makers prioritize national efforts for the conservation of ecosystems and biodiversity under land-use/cover and climate change. This study is replicable in other regions which aim to adapt decision-making and land management for biodiversity conservation.



墨西哥是一个生物多样性大国,但由于森林砍伐率高,其生物多样性受到威胁。土地利用/覆被变化和气候变化的影响分布不均,这阻碍了保护措施的实施。因此,适当的空间保护优先次序对于最小化对生物多样性的负面影响至关重要。全球和国家在优先考虑保护方面的努力表明,应保护墨西哥45%以上的地区。这项研究在三种情况下制定了适用的空间保护优先次序,以最大程度地减少对生物多样性的影响。它们综合了对土地利用/覆盖变化和气候变化情景的暴露,应对暴露的适应能力以及因物种灭绝而引起的地方物种的分布。我们的结果表明,到2050年,介于11.6%,13.9%和16。在乐观,BAU和最坏情况下,墨西哥的1%的脆弱性(VI)得分将达到≥50。到2070年,这些数字将分别上升到11.9%,14.8%和18.4%。两栖动物是受威胁最大的脊椎动物,其中62.2%的特有物种处于极度濒危或濒临灭绝的状态,而39.2%,11.8%和8.5%的地方性哺乳动物,鸟类和爬行动物则处于濒危或极度濒危的状态。这些两栖动物的分布占该国面积的3.3%,而哺乳动物,鸟类和爬行动物分别占墨西哥的9.9%,16.2%和28.7%。此外,七个市(占全国的0.39%)占最脆弱地区的30%(VI = 70)。这项研究为市政当局和物种提供了相关信息,以帮助决策者优先考虑在土地利用/土地利用和气候变化下保护生态系统和生物多样性的国家努力。这项研究可在其他地区进行,旨在使决策和土地管理适应生物多样性保护。
