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Dinoflagellate cysts and ENSO-PDO climate forcing in the southern Gulf of California
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2020.110055
Andrés-Felipe Duque-Herrera , Javier Helenes , Juan-Gabriel Flores-Trujillo , Ana-Carolina Ruiz-Fernández , Joan-Albert Sánchez-Cabeza

Abstract This paper presents a high-resolution analysis of dinoflagellate cyst groups (1959 to 2009), in the southern Gulf of California (GoC). We analyzed 100 samples of laminated sediments with an effective sampling resolution of ~7 months. Our primary goal is to clarify the relation between changes in these groups and the climate forcing defined by the El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) indices. Principal component analysis indicates three groups (A1, A2, and A3). A1 and A3 are mostly constituted by dinoflagellate cysts of heterotrophic taxa, while A2 is composed mainly of autotrophic taxa. Strong El Nino events decrease the contribution of all dinoflagellate cyst groups, while extreme La Nina events increase the contribution of the A2 and A3 groups. Also, the PDO modulates the marine productivity in the southern GoC, with cold phases increasing productivity, while the warm stages decrease productivity. As with climatic events in the southern GoC, autotrophic and heterotrophic taxa of dinoflagellate cysts respond clearly, when PDO and ENSO are in phase. Finally, dinoflagellate cyst concentrations in laminated sediments can be used regionally, as a chronostratigraphic tool in the last 50 years.



摘要 本文对加利福尼亚湾南部 (GoC) 的甲藻囊肿群(1959 年至 2009 年)进行了高分辨率分析。我们分析了 100 个层状沉积物样品,有效采样分辨率约为 7 个月。我们的主要目标是阐明这些群体的变化与厄尔尼诺南方涛动 (ENSO) 和太平洋年代际涛动 (PDO) 指数定义的气候强迫之间的关系。主成分分析表明三组(A1、A2 和 A3)。A1和A3主要由异养类群的甲藻包囊构成,而A2主要由自养类群构成。强厄尔尼诺事件会降低所有甲藻囊肿组的贡献,而极端拉尼娜事件会增加 A2 和 A3 组的贡献。还,PDO 调节南部 GoC 的海洋生产力,寒冷阶段提高生产力,而温暖阶段降低生产力。与南部 GoC 的气候事件一样,当 PDO 和 ENSO 同相时,甲藻囊肿的自养和异养分类群响应明确。最后,叠层沉积物中的甲藻囊肿浓度可以在区域范围内使用,作为过去 50 年的年代地层学工具。