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Reproduction of the Roman snail (Helix pomatia L.) from a local natural population in farm conditions and in a natural habitat
Annals of Animal Science ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-29 , DOI: 10.2478/aoas-2020-0090
Maciej Ligaszewski 1 , Przemysław Pol 1

The aim of this study was to compare the quality of clutches and reproduction results of two groups of Roman snails (Helix pomatia) from the same local population, laying eggs simultaneously in semi-natural farm conditions and in a natural habitat. The study material were Roman snails aged 2 or more years which had entered the third phenological season of their life and thus the first season of sexual maturity. Observations were conducted at an earthen enclosure in a greenhouse belonging to the experimental farm for edible snails at the National Research Institute of Animal Reproduction in Balice near Kraków (Poland) as well as at a site where a local population naturally occurs in the uncultivated park surrounding the Radziwiłł Palace. In the June-July season, differences among such parameters as weight of clutch, number of eggs in clutch, mean egg weight, and hatchling percentage when compared to the total number of eggs in the clutch were compared. It was determined that clutches of eggs from the natural population laid in the greenhouse were of lesser weight (P<0.01), contained fewer eggs (P<0.05), and the mean weight of individual eggs was less (P<0.05) than in clutches laid simultaneously in a natural habitat. Both in the greenhouse and the natural habitat, in the first phase of laying eggs (June) the weight of the clutch and number of eggs its contained were greater than in the second phase (July). However, only for snails laying eggs in the greenhouse were these differences statistically significant (P<0.05) and highly significant (P<0.01), respectively. Statistically significant differences were not observed in hatchling percentage between eggs laid in the greenhouse and the natural habitat. The lower number of eggs laid in the farmed conditions of the greenhouse was successfully compensated for by the absence of mass destruction by rodents which occurred in the natural habitat.


在农场条件和自然栖息地从当地自然种群繁殖罗马蜗牛(Helix pomatia L.)

这项研究的目的是比较来自同一本地人口的两组罗马蜗牛(Helix pomatia)的抓捕质量和繁殖结果,同时在半自然农场条件和自然栖息地同时产卵。研究材料是年龄在2岁或2年以上的罗马蜗牛,已经进入了生命的第三个物候季节,从而进入了性成熟的第一个季节。在位于波兰克拉科夫附近的巴里斯国家动物繁殖研究所的可食用蜗牛实验农场的温室中的泥土围墙中进行了观察,并在未经耕种的公园周围自然发生当地居民的地方进行了观察Radziwiłł宫。在6月至7月的季节中,离合器重量,离合器中鸡蛋的数量,比较了平均卵重和孵化率(与离合器中卵的总数相比)。可以确定,温室中自然种群的卵的重量要轻(P <0.01),蛋的重量要少(P <0.05),单个蛋的平均重量要比对照组低(P <0.05)。离合器同时躺在自然栖息地。在温室和自然栖息地中,在第一阶段(6月)产卵的离合器重量和所含卵的数量均大于第二阶段(7月)。然而,仅对于在温室中产卵的蜗牛,这些差异分别具有统计学显着性(P <0.05)和高度显着(P <0.01)。在温室和自然栖息地之间产卵的孵化率没有统计学差异。由于没有在自然栖息地发生的啮齿动物大规模破坏,因此成功地弥补了温室栽培条件下产下的鸡蛋数量减少的问题。