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Households' willingness to pay for quality of drinking water in Jaffna area of Sri Lanka
AQUA - Water Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Society Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.2166/aqua.2020.031
Sooriyakumar Krishnapillai 1 , Sumangkalai Perinpanathan 1 , Sivashankar Sivakumar 1

Jaffna Peninsula of Sri Lanka depends on groundwater for drinking water. Supply of clean drinking water has become limited due to overuse of agrochemicals, widespread use of pit latrines, and seawater intrusion. The aim of this study is to estimate the willingness to pay for the attributes of water quality and supply. One hundred and twenty households were randomly selected in the study area. A choice modeling approach was employed. The result indicates that, on average, households' willingness to pay for the improvement of water quality is three times higher than their monthly payment. Households are willing to pay more for reduction in calcium than for reduction in nitrate and improvement of other attributes. The education level of households influences willingness to pay for the improvement of water quality more than the income level of households. There is high potential to finance for the improvement of the water quality from the households. Water supply and drainage board can afford to supply the drinking water at the WHO standard and charge price on a volumetric basis. The findings of this study would be useful for policymakers to set the appropriate price and policy to develop a sustainable project.



斯里兰卡的贾夫纳半岛(Jaffna Peninsula)依靠地下水获取饮用水。由于过度使用农用化学品,广泛使用坑厕和海水入侵,清洁饮用水的供应已受到限制。这项研究的目的是估计支付水质和供水属性的意愿。在研究区域中随机选择了一百二十个家庭。使用选择建模方法。结果表明,平均而言,家庭为改善水质而支付的意愿是其每月支付的三倍。与减少硝酸盐和改善其他特性相比,家庭愿意为减少钙付出更多。家庭的教育程度比家庭的收入水平对支付水质改善意愿的影响更大。改善家庭水质的资金潜力很大。供水和排水委员会有能力按WHO标准供应饮用水,并按体积收费。这项研究的结果对于决策者确定适当的价格和政策以开发可持续项目很有用。
