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Exotic Devonian palynomorphs from the Sifa-1X well in the Western Desert, Egypt
Palynology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-08 , DOI: 10.1080/01916122.2020.1829726
Walid A. Makled 1 , Olle Hints 2 , Atef M. Hosny 3 , Wafaa I. Shahat 4 , Thomas Gentzis 5


The Devonian strata in the Western Desert of Egypt contain diverse plant and animal remains, in addition to the commonly reported miospores, acritarchs and chitinozoans. These remains are of significant paleoenvironmental and biostratigraphic value. This is the first study dedicated to recording these assemblages in the Devonian section in the Sifa-1X well. The zooclast assemblage described herein consists mainly of scolecodonts and remains of arthropods, notably eurypterids, arachnids and scorpions. The recovered scolecodonts belong to several species and likely three different families. The eurypterids are represented by several spines and exoskeleton cuticles. The shape and dimensions of the spines are analyzed and described. The spines vary in shape and size. A fragment of the arachnid Attercopus fimbriunguis was found in the Early Devonian. Additionally, fragments of scorpions were recovered, including pedipalp manus fragments of Compsoscorpius elegans and Corniops mapesii. The phytoclasts contain nematophytal cuticles and early plant tracheids. Some other fragments bear stomata and are attributed to the lycopsid Drepanophycus spinaeformis and the zosterophyllopsid Forania plegiospinosa. The nematophytes are represented by Nematothallus and Cosmochlaina cuticles and other tubular elements such as Porcatitubulus annulatus, Porcatitubulus spiralis, Constrictitubulus cristatus, Laevitubulus, Ornatifilum lornensis and Ornatifilum granulatum.




埃及西部沙漠中的泥盆纪地层中除了常见的小孢子,尖顶动物和甲壳类动物外,还包含各种动植物遗骸。这些遗迹具有重要的古环境和生物地层学价值。这是第一项致力于在Sifa-1X井的泥盆纪剖面中记录这些组合的研究。本文所述的兽破组合主要由节肢动物和节肢动物的剩余物组成,特别是鳞翅类,蜘蛛纲和蝎子。回收的鞘翅目属于几个物种,可能属于三个不同的科。翼状are突由几个刺和外骨骼角质层代表。分析并描述了棘的形状和尺寸。刺的形状和大小各不相同。蜘蛛蛛形螨的片段被发现于泥盆纪早期。此外,还回收了蝎子的碎片,包括秀丽线虫马齿ped的三足man的碎片。破骨细胞含有线虫的角质层和早期的植物气管。其他一些碎片带有气孔,并归因于番茄红素的Drepanophycus spinaeformis和带虫的拟南芥Forania plegiospinosa。的nematophytes由表示NematothallusCosmochlaina角质层和其它管状元件如Porcatitubulus annulatusPorcatitubulus旋毛虫Constrictitubulus狗尾草LaevitubulusOrnatifilum lornensisOrnatifilum granulatum
