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Restoration Ecology ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-29 , DOI: 10.1111/rec.13286

In Calvo Robledo et al. (2020), the authors would like to correct the following errors.
  • In Abstract section, the values and terms in the seventh sentence should have been ‘€172,942’ instead of ‘€91,409’ and ‘conservation (€115,462) and agricultural (€66,210)’ instead of ‘agricultural (€68,504) and conservation (€48,556)’. The correct sentence should read as:
Results indicated that the compromise scenario provided the greatest annual value (€172,942), mainly due to its potential visitors, surpassing both conservation (€115,462) and agricultural (€66,210) scenarios.
  • In Table 5 on page 1011, the price values of ‘Climate regulation services’ and ‘Total (€/year)’ under ‘Conservation’, ‘Compromise’ and ‘Agricultural’ rows should have been ‘€91,994’, ‘€112,108’, ‘€‐3,155’ and ‘€115,461.8’, ‘€172,942.34’, ‘€66,209.37’, respectively. Below is the correct table.
Table 5. Comparison of monetary value (annual value) from ES considering three alternative scenarios for Soto de Pajares.
Conservation Compromise Agricultural
Agricultural production €23,467.80 €28,067.34 €69,364.37
Climate regulation services €91,994 €112,108 €‐3,155
Recreation services €0 €32,767 €0
Total (€/year) €115,461.8 €172,942.34 €66,209.37
  • On page 1012, the price values in the third and fourth sentences of the ‘Climate Change Mitigation’ subsection should have been ‘€112,108’, ‘€91,994’ and ‘€3,155’. The correct sentences should read as:
This gave an annual value in the compromise scenario of €112,108, and in the conservation scenario of €91,994. The net value of both of these scenarios compared with the agricultural scenario would be increased by €3,155, which is the negative value that applies to the emissions in this scenario.
  • On page 1012, the price values and the terms ‘conservation’ and ‘agricultural’ were incorrectly used in the second sentence of ‘Comparison of Alternative Scenarios’ subsection. The correct sentence should read as:

This scenario provides a net annual value of €57,480 compared to the conservation scenario; which in turn provided a net annual value of €49,252 compared to the agricultural scenario (Table 5).

The authors apologize for these errors.



在Calvo Robledo等人。(2020),作者希望纠正以下错误。
  • 在摘要部分,第七句中的值和术语应为“ 172,942欧元”,而不是“ 91,409欧元”,“保护性(115,462欧元)和农业(66,210欧元)”,而不是“农业(68,504欧元)和保护( 48,556欧元)”。正确的句子应为:
  • 在第1011页的表5中,“保护”,“妥协”和“农业”行下的“气候调节服务”和“总计(€/年)”的价格应分别为“ 91,994欧元”,“ 112,108欧元” ,“€3,155”和“€115,461.8”,“€172,942.34”,“€66,209.37”。下面是正确的表。
表5.考虑了Soto de Pajares的三种替代方案的ES的货币价值(年价值)的比较。
保护 妥协 农业类
农业生产 €23,467.80 €28,067.34 €69,364.37
气候调节服务 €91,994 €112,108 3,155欧元
康乐服务 €0 €32,767 €0
总计(€/年) €115,461.8 €172,942.34 €66,209.37
  • 在第1012页上,“缓解气候变化”小节的第三和第四句中的价格应该是“ 112,108欧元”,“ 91,994欧元”和“ 3,155欧元”。正确的句子应为:
  • 在第1012页上,“替代方案比较”的第二句中错误地使用了价格值和术语“保护”和“农业”。正确的句子应为:


