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Inadequate energy and protein intake in geriatric outpatients with mobility problems
Nutrition Research ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.nutres.2020.09.007
Suey S Y Yeung 1 , Marijke C Trappenburg 2 , Carel G M Meskers 3 , Andrea B Maier 1 , Esmee M Reijnierse 4

To individualize nutritional interventions for the prevention and treatment of malnutrition and sarcopenia, it is required to understand the nutritional needs of older adults. This study explores the nutritional needs of geriatric outpatients. We hypothesized that inadequate energy and protein intake is common in geriatric outpatients. Data were retrieved from 2 cohort studies encompassing community-dwelling older adults referred to geriatric outpatient mobility clinics in Amsterdam, The Netherlands and Melbourne, Australia. Indirect calorimetry and a food diary, respectively, were used to assess resting metabolic rate (RMR) and energy and protein intake. Total energy expenditure (TEE) was calculated by the RMR multiplied by an activity factor of 1.4. An energy deficit was defined as a relative difference >10% between TEE and energy intake. A protein deficit was defined as protein intake <1.2 g/kg body weight per day. Bland-Altman analysis assessed the agreement between energy and protein requirements versus intake at an individual level. Seventy-four outpatients were included (25 males, median age 78.9 [IQR: 72.8-86.1] years). The mean difference between TEE and energy intake was 292 (SD 481) kcal/d. An energy deficit was present in 46 outpatients. The median protein intake was 1.00 (IQR: 0.87-1.19) g/kg body weight per day and a protein deficit was present in 57 outpatients. There was a low agreement between energy and protein requirements versus intake at an individual level. In conclusion, over half of the outpatients had energy and/or protein deficits. Integrating dietetic services at geriatric outpatient mobility clinics could potentially improve nutrition- and muscle-related outcomes in a multidisciplinary approach.



为了预防和治疗营养不良和肌肉减少症的个体化营养干预措施,需要了解老年人的营养需求。本研究探讨了老年门诊患者的营养需求。我们假设能量和蛋白质摄入不足在老年门诊患者中很常见。从 2 项队列研究中检索数据,这些研究包括转诊至荷兰阿姆斯特丹和澳大利亚墨尔本的老年门诊流动诊所的社区老年人。间接量热法和食物日记分别用于评估静息代谢率 (RMR) 以及能量和蛋白质摄入量。总能量消耗 (TEE) 由 RMR 乘以活动因子 1.4 计算。能量缺乏被定义为 TEE 和能量摄入之间的相对差异 > 10%。蛋白质缺乏定义为每天蛋白质摄入量<1.2 g/kg体重。Bland-Altman 分析评估了能量和蛋白质需求与个体水平摄入量之间的一致性。包括 74 名门诊患者(25 名男性,中位年龄 78.9 [IQR:72.8-86.1] 岁)。TEE 和能量摄入之间的平均差异为 292 (SD 481) kcal/d。46 名门诊患者存在能量不足。蛋白质摄入量中位数为每天 1.00(IQR:0.87-1.19)g/kg 体重,57 名门诊患者存在蛋白质缺乏。在个体水平上,能量和蛋白质需求与摄入量之间的一致性较低。总之,超过一半的门诊患者有能量和/或蛋白质不足。