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Predators of Ixodids on the South Texas Coastal Plains
Annals of the Entomological Society of America ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-29 , DOI: 10.1093/aesa/saaa025
Allan T Showler 1

Dear Dr. Hurd In a recently published AESA review article by Leal et al. (2020), there are two substantive errors and an omission. The first error is where the article mistakenly claims, citing Showler et al. (2018), that the consumption of tick eggs by mudflat fiddler crabs, Uca rapax Smith, is a hypothesis and that the crabs have not been observed taking and eating tick eggs. Showler et al. (2018) reported in the Results section: ‘Observations while conducting ant and U. rapax field sampling included U. rapax feeding on ixodid egg masses and on hot dog slices. When U. rapax were observed feeding on egg masses, the crabs most often quickly retreated from the eggs to their holes in our presence. We found some egg masses that had been broken apart and small clusters were scattered in the direction of a U. rapax hole,’ and ‘after one night, each bucket containing seven U. rapax had no A. americanum eggs left. In the control buckets, all of the egg masses remained. The crabs frequently displayed feeding behavior on the mud in the buckets with and without A. americanum eggs, presumably consuming food items embedded in the mud other than the tick eggs. Uca rapax began feeding on eggs in 1–5 min. Individuals moved adjacent to the mass and repetitively transferred eggs, one or several at a time, using the small pincer (not the opposing “fiddle” pincer).’ The direct observations were augmented by the overnight disappearance of ≈80% of tick egg masses in U. rapax habitats (constituting ≈25% of the study region) when disappearance of eggs was negligible in other habitats, dense U. rapax populations, and negligible larval tick populations in U. rapax habitats in contrast to relatively robust tick populations in habitats without the crabs (Showler et al. 2018). Leal et al. (2020) also indicated that ants attack ticks. While that might be true of some tick species, it is not true of metastriate ixodids, comprising the genera Amblyomma, Dermacentor, and Rhipicephalus (Yoder et al. 1992, 2009; Yoder and Domingus 2003). Showler et al. (2018) showed that none of the ant species encountered in their tick ecology study attacked lone star tick, Amblyomma americanum (L.), eggs. In a different study, Showler et al. (2019) demonstrated that A. americanum eggs, larvae, nymphs, adults, and engorged adults, were not attacked by any of eight species of predatory ants, including the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta (Buren), in three different regions of Texas. In the instance of red harvester ants, Pogonomyrmex barbatus (F. Smith), engorged adult A. americanum were transported away from the colony entrance for disposal (all other life stages were ignored). Showler et al. (2019) was also highlighted in Entomology Today in an article titled ‘How ticks hide in plain sight from predatory fire ants’, published in October 2019, https://entomologytoday. org/2019/10/02/how-ticks-hide-plain-sight-predatory-fire-ants/. An earlier study conducted on the South Texas coastal plains indicated that S. invicta actually drives small mammalian and avian tick hosts from the infested areas, causing an associated drop in tick numbers (Castellanos et al. 2016). Last, Leal et al. (2020) discussed abiotic factors but did not mention that saline and hypersaline water, even applied as a one-pulse mist, are extremely lethal to tick eggs (Showler et al. 2018). On the other hand, saline soil is not necessarily toxic to egg masses in contact with it (Showler et al. 2018). The lethality of saline water is important because it occasionally inundates (from wind tides and storm surges) ≈25% of the South Texas coastal plains wildlife corridor where southern cattle fever ticks, Rhipicephalus microplus (Canestrini), are currently being encountered on vegetation, evidence that the species is completing its life cycle there (Osbrink et al. 2020). During times when the infrequently inundated areas are dry or moist, tick eggs can survive on the soil as long as relative humidity is sufficiently high (Showler et al. 2018). The problem, for the ticks, is that saline areas, even when dry, are the habitat of U. rapax.



亲爱的赫德博士在 Leal 等人最近发表的 AESA 评论文章中。(2020),有两个实质性错误和一个遗漏。第一个错误是文章错误地声称的地方,引用了 Showler 等人。(2018 年),泥滩招潮蟹 Uca rapax Smith 食用蜱虫卵是一种假设,并且尚未观察到螃蟹摄取和食用蜱虫卵。肖勒等人。(2018) 在结果部分报告:“在进行蚂蚁和 U. rapax 现场采样时的观察包括 U. rapax 以 ixodid 卵块和热狗片为食。当观察到 U. rapax 以卵块为食时,螃蟹通常会在我们在场的情况下迅速从卵中撤退到它们的洞中。我们发现一些卵块已经破碎,小簇散落在 U. rapax 孔的方向,'和'一夜后,每个装有 7 个 U. rapax 的桶都没有剩下 A. americanum 鸡蛋。在对照桶中,所有的蛋块都保留了下来。螃蟹经常在有或没有美洲美洲原虫卵的桶中的泥浆上表现出进食行为,推测可能会食用除蜱虫卵以外的嵌入泥浆中的食物。Uca rapax 在 1-5 分钟内开始以鸡蛋为食。个体移动到肿块附近并使用小钳子(而不是相反的“小提琴”钳子)重复转移鸡蛋,一次一个或几个。当鸡蛋的消失在其他栖息地、密集的 U. rapax 种群和可忽略不计的情况下可以忽略不计时,在 U. rapax 栖息地(占研究区域的约 25%)中 ≈80% 的蜱卵质量在一夜之间消失,直接观察得到了加强美国的幼虫蜱种群。rapax 栖息地与没有螃蟹的栖息地中相对强大的蜱种群形成对比(Showler 等人,2018 年)。莱尔等人。(2020) 还指出蚂蚁会攻击蜱虫。虽然这可能适用于某些蜱种,但对于包括 Amblyomma、Dermacentor 和 Rhipicephalus 属的变纹硬蜱则不然(Yoder 等人,1992 年,2009 年;Yoder 和 Domingus 2003 年)。肖勒等人。(2018) 表明,在他们的蜱生态研究中遇到的蚂蚁物种都没有攻击孤星蜱,Amblyomma americanum (L.),鸡蛋。在另一项研究中,Showler 等人。(2019 年)证明,美洲红蚁的卵、幼虫、若虫、成虫和饱食的成虫在三个不同地区都没有受到八种捕食性蚂蚁中的任何一种攻击,包括红色进口火蚁 Solenopsis invicta (Buren)德克萨斯州。以红色收获蚁 Pogonomyrmex barbatus (F. Smith) 为例,将饱食的美洲美洲蚁从蚁群入口运走进行处置(忽略所有其他生命阶段)。肖勒等人。(2019 年)在《今日昆虫学》(Entomology Today)的一篇题为“蜱虫如何隐藏在掠食性火蚁面前”的文章中也得到了强调,该文章于 2019 年 10 月发表,https://entomologytoday。org/2019/10/02/how-ticks-hide-plain-sight-predatory-fire-ants/。较早在德克萨斯州南部沿海平原进行的一项研究表明,S. invicta 实际上将小型哺乳动物和鸟类蜱寄主从受感染地区驱赶,导致蜱数量相应下降(Castellanos 等人,2016 年)。最后,Leal 等人。(2020) 讨论了非生物因素,但没有提到盐水和高盐水,甚至作为单脉冲雾应用,对蜱虫卵极其致命(Showler 等人,2018 年)。另一方面,盐渍土对与其接触的卵块不一定有毒(Showler 等人,2018 年)。咸水的致死性很重要,因为它偶尔会淹没(来自风潮和风暴潮)≈25% 的南德克萨斯沿海平原野生动物走廊,目前正在植被上遇到南部牛热蜱,Rhipicephalus microplus (Canestrini),证据该物种正在那里完成其生命周期(Osbrink 等人,2020 年)。在不常被淹没的区域干燥或潮湿的时候,只要相对湿度足够高,蜱虫卵就可以在土壤上存活(Showler 等人,2018 年)。对于蜱虫来说,问题是盐碱地,即使在干燥的时候,也是 U. rapax 的栖息地。另一方面,盐渍土对与其接触的卵块不一定有毒(Showler 等人,2018 年)。咸水的致死性很重要,因为它偶尔会淹没(来自风潮和风暴潮)≈25% 的南德克萨斯沿海平原野生动物走廊,目前正在植被上遇到南部牛热蜱,Rhipicephalus microplus (Canestrini),证据该物种正在那里完成其生命周期(Osbrink 等人,2020 年)。在不常被淹没的区域干燥或潮湿的时候,只要相对湿度足够高,蜱虫卵就可以在土壤上存活(Showler 等人,2018 年)。对于蜱虫来说,问题是盐碱地,即使在干燥的时候,也是 U. rapax 的栖息地。另一方面,盐渍土对与其接触的卵块不一定有毒(Showler 等人,2018 年)。咸水的致死性很重要,因为它偶尔会淹没(来自风潮和风暴潮)≈25% 的南德克萨斯沿海平原野生动物走廊,目前正在植被上遇到南部牛热蜱,Rhipicephalus microplus (Canestrini),证据该物种正在那里完成其生命周期(Osbrink 等人,2020 年)。在不常被淹没的区域干燥或潮湿的时候,只要相对湿度足够高,蜱虫卵就可以在土壤上存活(Showler 等人,2018 年)。对于蜱虫来说,问题是盐碱地,即使在干燥的时候,也是 U. rapax 的栖息地。咸水的致死性很重要,因为它偶尔会淹没(来自风潮和风暴潮)≈25% 的南德克萨斯沿海平原野生动物走廊,目前正在植被上遇到南部牛热蜱,Rhipicephalus microplus (Canestrini),证据该物种正在那里完成其生命周期(Osbrink 等人,2020 年)。在不常被淹没的区域干燥或潮湿的时候,只要相对湿度足够高,蜱虫卵就可以在土壤上存活(Showler 等人,2018 年)。对于蜱虫来说,问题是盐碱地,即使在干燥的时候,也是 U. rapax 的栖息地。咸水的致死性很重要,因为它偶尔会淹没(来自风潮和风暴潮)≈25% 的南德克萨斯沿海平原野生动物走廊,目前正在植被上遇到南部牛热蜱,Rhipicephalus microplus (Canestrini),证据该物种正在那里完成其生命周期(Osbrink 等人,2020 年)。在不常被淹没的区域干燥或潮湿的时候,只要相对湿度足够高,蜱虫卵就可以在土壤上存活(Showler 等人,2018 年)。对于蜱虫来说,问题是盐碱地,即使在干燥的时候,也是 U. rapax 的栖息地。Rhipicephalus microplus (Canestrini),目前在植被上遇到,证明该物种正在那里完成其生命周期(Osbrink 等人,2020 年)。在不常被淹没的区域干燥或潮湿的时候,只要相对湿度足够高,蜱虫卵就可以在土壤上存活(Showler 等人,2018 年)。对于蜱虫来说,问题是盐碱地,即使在干燥的时候,也是 U. rapax 的栖息地。Rhipicephalus microplus (Canestrini),目前在植被上遇到,证明该物种正在那里完成其生命周期(Osbrink 等人,2020 年)。在不常被淹没的区域干燥或潮湿的时候,只要相对湿度足够高,蜱虫卵就可以在土壤上存活(Showler 等人,2018 年)。对于蜱虫来说,问题是盐碱地,即使在干燥的时候,也是 U. rapax 的栖息地。