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Short Communication: Quantifying and Correcting for Pre-Assay CO2 Loss in Short-Term Carbon Mineralization Assays
Soil ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-29 , DOI: 10.5194/soil-2020-55
Matthew A. Belanger , Carmella Vizza , G. Philip Robertson , Sarah S. Roley

Abstract. The active fraction of soil organic carbon (SOC) is an important component of soil health and often is quickly assessed as the amount of CO2 released by re-wetting dried soils in short-term (24–72 h) assays. However, soils can lose carbon (C) as they dry and if soil samples vary in moisture content at sampling, differential C loss during the pre-assay dry-down period may complicate interpretations of C availability. We examined pre-assay CO2 loss and its influence on apparent C availability in the same soil at initial moisture contents of 30, 50, and 70 % water-filled pore space (WFPS). We found that 50 and 70 % WFPS treatments lost more C during drying than those in the 30 % WFPS treatment, which led to a 26–32 % underestimate of C availability in wetter soil. We developed a soil-specific correction factor to account for these initial soil moisture effects. Future C mineralization studies may benefit from similar corrections.


短期交流:量化和校正短期碳矿化测定中的测定前CO 2损失

摘要。土壤有机碳(SOC)的活性成分是土壤健康的重要组成部分,通常在短期(24-72小时)测定中通过将干土壤重新湿润而迅速评估为释放的CO 2量。但是,土壤在干燥过程中可能会损失碳(C),如果土壤样品在采样时含水量发生变化,则在分析前的干燥期中不同的C损失可能会使C可用性的解释变得复杂。我们检查了测定前CO 2初始水分含量为30%,50%和70%的充水孔隙空间(WFPS)时,相同土壤中的氮素损失及其对表观C有效性的影响。我们发现,在干燥过程中,50%和70%WFPS处理比30%WFPS处理损失更多的碳,这导致湿土壤中C的有效性低估了26–32%。我们开发了特定于土壤的校正因子,以解决这些最初的土壤水分影响。未来的C矿化研究可能会受益于类似的修正。