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Potential of Alginate and Mesoporous Carbon to Improve the Fertilizer Value of Urea
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-24 , DOI: 10.1080/00103624.2020.1822378
V. L. N. Nunes 1 , R. L. Mulvaney 1 , J. Tronto 2 , R. B. Cantarutti 3

ABSTRACT Mesoporous C (MC) has potential for controlling NH3 volatilization from fertilizer urea because of a high capacity for sorption of ions and gases, and so does sodium alginate (SA), a natural superabsorbent that has received considerable attention for developing slow-release fertilizers. Following stirred-flow experiments to evaluate both amendments for slowing urea release in water, novel studies were conducted that determined their impact on transformations of urea N during aerobic incubation of a sand and silt loam using 15N tracer techniques to unambiguously differentiate fertilizer from soil N. Neither amendment showed appreciable slow-release behavior nor had any significant effect on urea N transformations in the silt loam; however, NH3 volatilization from the sand was significantly decreased by up to 47% with SA and by up to 38% with MC, while SA also significantly increased NO3 − production by 42–114%. Taken together with the inherent advantages of a natural material that is widely available, economical, and biodegradable, the results reported indicate that SA has more potential than MC for enhancing the fertilizer value of urea.



摘要 介孔碳 (MC) 具有高吸附离子和气体的能力,因此具有控制肥料尿素中 NH3 挥发的潜力,海藻酸钠 (SA) 也是如此,它是一种天然超强吸收剂,在开发缓释肥料方面受到了广泛关注. 在搅拌流实验评估减缓尿素在水中释放的两种改良剂之后,进行了新的研究,确定了它们在砂和粉砂壤土的有氧孵化过程中对尿素 N 转化的影响,使用 15N 示踪技术明确区分肥料和土壤 N。两种改良剂均未表现出明显的缓释行为,也未对粉砂壤土中的尿素氮转化产生任何显着影响;然而,沙子中的 NH3 挥发使用 SA 显着降低了 47%,使用 MC 降低了 38%,而 SA 也显着增加了 NO3 - 产量 42-114%。结合可广泛使用、经济且可生物降解的天然材料的固有优势,报告的结果表明,SA 比 MC 在提高尿素肥料价值方面具有更大的潜力。