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The Evolution and Stability of Multi‐Ethnic Residential Neighbourhoods in England
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1111/tran.12416
Gemma Catney 1 , Richard Wright 2 , Mark Ellis 3

This paper analyses the most ethnically diverse spaces in England. We define multi-ethnic neighbourhoods as spaces where no one group is in a majority and at least five ethnic groups have representation. Around four percent of all English neighbourhoods (Lower Layer Super Output Areas) met these criteria in 2011. Often mislabelled as ‘segregated’ spaces, the growth of ethnically diverse neighbourhoods helps benchmark increased inter-ethnic contact, yet we know very little about their spatial A cc ep te d A rt ic le



本文分析了英格兰种族最多元化的空间。我们将多民族社区定义为没有一个群体占多数且至少有五个民族有代表性的空间。 2011 年,大约 4% 的英国社区(下层超级输出区域)符合这些标准。种族多元化社区的增长经常被错误地标记为“隔离”空间,有助于衡量种族间接触的增加,但我们对其空间知之甚少接受文章