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What you remember saves you
Physiologia Plantarum ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-28 , DOI: 10.1111/ppl.13205
Simon R. Law 1

It is difficult to separate the capacity for memory from the act of thinking. Indeed, memories are held as so fundamental an act of cognition that the concept of an organism without a brain (let alone a nervous system) storing and acting upon memories is profoundly outlandish. Despite this, research emerging from the field of plant science is continuing to reveal the sophisticated ways plants interact with their environments; discerning friend from foe, communicating information to neighbouring plants, and even recalibrating future stress responses based on the memories of past afflictions. In this issue of Physiologia Plantarum do Amaral et al. (2020 ) investigated the mechanisms by which rice can recall exposure to an earlier stress event to better cope with future hardships; a phenomenon that resonates with the quote by poet W. S. Merwin: ‘What you remember saves you’.

All organisms exist in a world of change. From the imperceptibly slow march of geological processes to the rapid cycling of day and night, these dynamics have shaped the evolutionary trajectories of all life on Earth. While evolution elegantly describes the fluid and reflexive way populations of organisms can respond to challenges at a species level, individual organisms respond to environmental pressures by mounting temporary stress responses. One way that plants have enhanced their ability to deal with periodic stresses, such as droughts or heatwaves, is to store information of an antecedent stress and use this ‘memory’ to respond more rapidly or with greater intensity the next time this stress is perceived. This adaptive strategy is commonly known as priming, and the mechanisms by which these stress memories are stored, retrieved and acted upon are growing topics of importance, particularly in valuable crop species such as rice (for an excellent review, see Crisp et al. 2016).

In light of this, do Amaral et al. (2020) analysed the physiological, biochemical, and epigenetic responses of two rice genotypes (one sensitive to salinity, the other tolerant) in response to 48 hours of salt stress administered at either (1) an early vegetative developmental stage, (2) a later reproductive stage or (3) in response to repeated salt stress at both early and late developmental stages (Fig. 1). Interestingly, the researchers found that in both single and recurring salt treatments, the roots of the tolerant rice genotype actually had consistently higher Na+/K+ ratios than the roots of the sensitive genotype, while Na+/K+ ratios in the leaves remained consistently low in both genotypes and all conditions, indicating that the tolerant genotype is less successful at excluding salt from the root and that priming had little effect in this instance. In contrast, most of the physiological markers of acute salt stress in the leaves revealed the benefit of priming in both genotypes, with the positive effects (elevated stomatal conductance and chlorophyll content, reduced electrolyte leakage) being more pronounced in the tolerant genotype. Similarly, measurements of the content of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the activity of key enzymes tasked with detoxifying these harmful compounds revealed that in both genotypes, priming positively influenced the outcome of treatment with salinity stress. Although these biochemical alterations are symptomatic of stress memory in plants, they do not explain the underlying mechanisms at work.

Fig. 1.
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To answer this question, the researchers catalogued the tell‐tale signs of epigenetic modifications in the two genotypes across the sampling time course. Epigenetics is the study of heritable phenotypic changes that are not solely attributable to alterations in the genome's underlying genetic code, and instead derive from stable and/or inheritable changes to gene expression dynamics. Major drivers of epigenetic regulation include covalent modification (e.g. methylation or acetylation) of DNA and the proteins DNA associates with structurally (histones). These modifications can lead to alterations in the way DNA is packaged and thus influence the accessibility of specific genes. In this study, do Amaral et al. (2020) demonstrated that in the sensitive rice genotype, global levels of DNA methylation were only altered (significantly elevated) when the salt stress was administered at the reproductive stage, contrasting sharply with the tolerant genotype, which displayed huge variation in global DNA methylation across the different treatment time points and a strong relaxation of DNA methylation following the stress treatment (recovery). The researchers then looked at the correlation of these global methylation dynamics with the expression of key genes encoding proteins associated with DNA methylation and demethylation. In the sensitive genotype, they identified a suite of demethylases negatively correlated with overall DNA methylation levels during stress administration but not during the subsequent recovery period, suggesting that active removal of methyl regulatory groups occurs while the stress is ongoing and passive processes likely takeover during recovery. In contrast, the tolerant genotype exhibited less evidence for active regulation of global DNA methylation during the stress and slightly enhanced regulation during recovery.

The study of stress memory in plants has exciting potential, enabling the strategic treatment of plants to bolster their tolerance to future challenges; a powerful tool in the face of a changing climate. These priming effects can be highly durable and persist not only for the lifespan of the affected plant but be passed on to their progeny in a form of generational memory. However, just as in humans, not all memories are positive, with some maladaptive stress memories actually hindering plant recovery and ultimately reducing crop yield. Thus, future priming strategies will need to delineate the beneficial memories that aid a plant's survival from those that are best forgotten, while unpacking the mechanisms by which these processes are regulated.



很难将记忆能力与思维行为分开。确实,记忆被认为是一种基本的认知行为,以至于没有大脑(更不用说神经系统)存储和作用于记忆的有机体的概念是极其荒谬的。尽管如此,植物科学领域的研究仍在继续揭示植物与环境相互作用的复杂方式。辨别敌人,将信息传达给附近的植物,甚至根据过去的苦难记忆重新校准未来的压力反应。在本期《植物志》中,Amaral等人进行了研究。(2020年 )研究了稻米可以回忆起早期应激事件以更好地应对未来困难的机制;诗人WS Merwin的名言引起了共鸣:“您所记得的东西会拯救您”。


有鉴于此,请做Amaral等。(2020)分析了两种水稻基因型的生理,生化和表观遗传响应(一种对盐度敏感,另一种对水稻耐性)响应在以下任一条件下施用48小时的盐胁迫:(1)处于早期营养生长阶段;(2) (3)在发育早期和晚期对盐胁迫的反复响应(图1)。有趣的是,研究人员发现,在单一和反复盐处理中,耐性水稻基因型的根实际上一直比敏感基因型的根具有更高的Na + / K +比,而Na + / K +在两种基因型和所有条件下,叶片中的比率始终保持较低,这表明耐受型基因型在根部排除盐分方面不太成功,并且在这种情况下,引发作用几乎没有。相反,大多数急性盐胁迫的叶片生理指标显示了两种基因型均能引发的好处,在耐性基因型中,积极作用(气孔导度和叶绿素含量增加,电解质渗漏减少)更为明显。类似地,对活性氧(ROS)含量和负责对这些有害化合物进行解毒的关键酶活性的测量结果表明,在两种基因型中,启动引发均对盐度胁迫的治疗结果产生积极影响。



