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Open Educational Resource Exercises for Fisheries Classes
Fisheries ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-24 , DOI: 10.1002/fsh.10529
Gary D. Grossman 1 , Bryan B. Bozeman 1 , Ridge Sliger 1 , Troy N. Simon 1 , George Matsumoto 2

Open Educational Resources (OERs) represent any form of educational resource that is available free of charge Few OERs exist for courses in fisheries or other life science courses, and the onset of the COVID-19 epidemic only exacerbates the need for such resources To rectify this shortcoming, we build on earlier work (Grossman and Chernoff 2018) and present four OERs designed for fisheries classes The OERs may be used as described or may be modified for different class levels by varying their complexity and outcomes The OERs examine behavioral repertoires and time budgets of Arctic Grayling Thymallus arcticus, factors affecting winners and losers of intraspecific interactions in interior Dolly Varden Charr Salvelinus malma, the effects of velocity on foraging success of Brook Trout S fontinalis, and an exploration of animal abundance and spatial distributions in a soft-bottom habitat at 875m depth in Monterey Bay, California We also provide a grading rubric for the first exercise that is easily modified for the other exercises These exercises should aid fisheries instructors in a time when remote pedagogy may be a necessity © 2020 American Fisheries Society



开放教育资源 (OER) 代表任何形式的免费教育资源 渔业课程或其他生命科学课程很少有开放教育资源,而 COVID-19 疫情的爆发只会加剧对此类资源的需求 纠正这一点缺点,我们建立在早期工作的基础上(Grossman 和 Chernoff 2018),并提出了为渔业类别设计的四种开放教育资源 开放教育资源可以按描述使用,也可以通过改变其复杂性和结果来针对不同类别级别进行修改开放教育资源检查行为曲目和时间预算北极鲑鱼的影响,影响内部 Dolly Varden Charr Salvelinus malma 种内相互作用赢家和输家的因素,速度对 Brook Trout S fontinalis 觅食成功的影响,以及对加利福尼亚州蒙特雷湾 875m 深度软底栖息地中动物丰度和空间分布的探索 我们还为第一个练习提供了一个评分标准,该评分标准很容易修改为其他练习这些练习应该有助于渔业指导员何时可能需要远程教学 © 2020 美国渔业协会